Intro & Pics


New member
Hey all

New to the forum so I thought I'd introduce myself with some pics and history.

Live in Vancouver, BC and been bodybuilding since high school. Started first cycle a few years ago and since then used a Anavar (var) iety of diff labs like Medistar, Kayne Pharma and NexGen. The latter two being my favourites.

My stats at the moment are - 5'10", 185 lbs...BF unknown but estimate maybe 12%? Off cycle at the moment but will start another this week. Here are some pics from a photoshoot I did...Came in at 180lbs and 6% body fat. Cycle was NexGen and was:

500mg Test E /Week
200mg Tren E /Week
80mg Anavar (var) /Day

And T3 but I forget the dosage schedule. Kept it pretty mild as it was really strong. PCT was HCG, Clomid and took aromasin throughout. Was my first time dieting down this light...usually hover around 210-215 lbs so this was new. Diet was Keto + Steady state cardio post workout and/or fasted in the morning. I wouldn't do this again and will likely stick to HIIT next time around.

Pics attached!
Looking good bud!... The T3 you had was Nexgen ? I will be getting my hands on some in the next couple of days. What kind of dose were you running ? I'm hitting the stage in a couple of weeks and thought I'd add some T3 to help me drop down to 6% (currently at 7.6%). I'm using the Nexgen clen and it's strong stuff so I'm hoping the T3's will be the same, liquid form.
I'm 25.

The T3 I had was NexGen yes and was liquid. Everything was Nexgen except test which was Medi. I don't think I ever went above 75 mcg....and that was crazy strong for me, didn't take long to lower it lol. Both the NexGen clen and t3 are quite strong, I'm pretty sensitive to clen so I couldn't even use it! But T3 definately helped, that and I loved their Anavar (var). Didn't harden up completely until I added that in.
nice to see so many people from van!. I am using nexgen to right now var,test prop,liquid winni and loving it! my buddy's are doing a variety of there products to so have seen it working great for them. but I wouldn't change my stack for anything lol.

nice pics bro you look great.