Iranian test E and omnitrope problems


New member
I've got hold of some omnitrope and Iranian test. My source assures me the hgh is real. 2 well respected guys long time in the game have told me the hgh is real, or an amazing fake..

Problem is, I keep reading on forums that these are faked and contain insulin. Naturally I'm worried, my brother been on 2iu a day with 500mg test, he has been on the growth about 10 days and he's getting super fast nail growth and underarm hair growth.

So we thinking the growth may be real after all. I guess what I'm asking is, are we right in saying those side effects are real hgh side effects only, or can they be duplicated in a fake?

Also so not sure if this is relevant but I been taking the growth for 3-4 days, I seem to be getting a sweet taste in my saliva. It's not constant, I kind of get it once and it's gone. Not sure if it's real or I'm imagining. Very confused.

Each box comes with single vial, each vial seems vacuum sealed so no air bubbles. The topper has criss cross pattern. If it is a fake the built quality is perfect. Does not sting during/post injection.

All suggestions would be appreciated
It appears it is a fake and is actually insulin. That box is the most commonly found fake out there (as I just learned) Look here (google translated version of the website)

Google Translate

I did a search for omnitrope and the lot number on your box. It's an SDS-PAGE (electrophoresis test) to determine molecular weight of the molecule. If any HGH inside should be a dot at ~22kDa. As you can see, no dot whatsoever.

The original thread on it can be found here:

Bodybuilding Forums - - anabolic steroids, bodybuilding, fitness.

(edited for clarity by cybrsage) The Omnitrope and Norditropin FAKE coming out of Eastern Europe with box in Roumanian or Hungarian language contains insulin (aspart)...The omnitrope's are always said to be heavily counterfeited, well one is. The best looking one (laminated box) Lane 5 complete empty.
Thanks for reply.. The bearer of bad news***128533;
But all the side effects seem to point to real hgh! I'm so confused.
If it is insulin I will be gutted, I have a bad muscle injury and osteoarthritis and really needed this to be the real deal.

if this is a fake, it's an amazing fake.
I can get hygetropin so perhaps I should just go with those.
Anybody else out there with something to add?
Thanks for reply.. The bearer of bad news***128533;
But all the side effects seem to point to real hgh! I'm so confused.
If it is insulin I will be gutted, I have a bad muscle injury and osteoarthritis and really needed this to be the real deal.

if this is a fake, it's an amazing fake.
I can get hygetropin so perhaps I should just go with those.
Anybody else out there with something to add?

You can try deca as well for your muscle injury
You can try deca as well for your muscle injury

I have tried deca with test e. A few 12 wk cycles. Should I do a longer deca cycle?

Regarding the omnitrope, I may invest in a test to see what's in the vial but I have already spent so much. And I really don't want to sell it on to somebody else, if it's no good for me it's no good for others.
These people sell anything for a quick buck without worrying about the consequences. Maybe I should shove it down my suppliers throat.

Can you recommend a deca cycle which may help with my problems. The muscle injury is a 15 year old whiplash injury which constantly spasms, i can't lift much more than the bar on my shoulders without aggravating the shoulder