Of course, the final choice is up to you, but I would not go on gear yet, way too early. Until 25 years old (and sometimes up to 26), the sheaths that surround and protect the nerves throughout your body are actually still getting thicker. This is important because a thin sheath on a nerve can result in electrical cross talk - that is where the signals from one nerve get picked up by another nerve and transmitted by it erroneously. As you can surmise, that can wreck havoc with your body. MS is one of the results that can happen by too much cross talk between nerves.
I would not risk it, since you are still very young and your natural testosterone level is very high. When you start gear, your body stops making its own test. If you naturally have a test level of 800, much of what you inject will simply get you to where you started at naturally! You then need even more to get higher. This is not very cost effective.
You look great as you are! Go for a natty show and get a feel on how competitions work. If you feel too small, hire a professional coach to help you keep pushing further. Waiting 3 more years before starting gear is the smart thing to do. Remember, this is a marathon and not a race, do not potentially damage yourself for the next several decades for some short term gain.