youngin roider
HEy guys been on m1t cycle for about 2wks and planning to take it 2more wks before coming off and just wanted to know if 40 mg of M1T is too much Iam up to 30 mgs need help!
Biceps_Blitz said:LOL this guy can't be for real... he types in that retarded YoUnG HiP BoY language and his name is "youngin roider"... then he asks about using a third rank steroid like methyl test... where he ups the dosage with one pill every day. A little TOO much for my imagination
youngin roider said:fuck***you**BICEP**BLITZ
youngin roider said:my stats 5'8" 156 pounnds 11% body fat 17 years old been taking prohormones since 15 years old been weight traning since 14
StoneColdNTO said:Thank you.....
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