Is 5x5's good for exercises to bulk ?

mass rookie

New member
how should you train for bulking ? reps? x sets?
Ive been doing 5x5's, is that right for trying to build mass?
any suggestions or mandatory training regimen would be appreciated.
thanks all, rook.:D
I haven't had the chance to try out the 5x5 yet... but it not only sounds like a great strength increaser, but if your doing heavy weight with low reps like that, then yeah it would be good for putting on bulk. I'd get needsize's opinion on this one though. He seems to know quite a bit more about it then me.
Doing 5x5 now and LOVING IT. The pumps are insane... but the adrol and fina may help there :)

I couldn't get my legs to normal walking closeness today after squats and leg presses...very very good feeling.
Doing 5x5 natural right now, and I've got to say that it is the BEST program I've used. I've gained 5-7 pounds in the last 3 weeks, and gotten much stronger. For instance, the week before I started the 5x5, I did a 5x5 on bench with 225. I got the first 3 sets fine, and about 3 reps on the last 2. Monday, I did this routine off of no sleep, and I had worked back up to 225. Got all sets and reps, barely straining. I LOVE IT.
5 sets of 5 reps per exercise... not that difficult... i believe he does 5 exercises too could be wrong there though
thanks Apex...some people find it easier to respond with a smart ass comment than to just respond to the question.

5 reps x 5 sets x 5 excersizes seems like overload for somebody not on roids (me) think 3 excersizes would be better for me?
Yeah, see sticky above. It's 5x5 on the first exercise (compound movement) and then 2 sets of 8-10 reps of 2 other exercises.