Oversight with my insurance... now getting double the TRT ...


New member
So here is my story,

I've been on and off of TRT for 2 years now. I was on a 100mg dose for over a year and had to switch doctors because I was no longer a student and I couldn't use my student insurance anymore. Doctor number 2 took me off, and the entire network of doctors he worked with backed him, including the only endocrinologist that was local. My levels dropped from the high 800's to the 200's and I was pretty miserable for about 6 months. I moved to a new city and was able to get a new doctor, number 3, to approve me for the 100 mg dose again, with 1mg of anastrazol per week. The thing is, number 3 wrote me a script to do the injections at home, and after not really being able to get the nerve up to take the shots myself, I got another doctor, number 4, to let me have weekly nurse appointments. So I am getting my shots there in the 4ht doctor's office weekly now... however, once a month I go to my pharmacy and for the past 3 months they have had 2 200ml bottles of testosterone waiting for me to pick up, presumably from doctor number 3. I am on medicaid because I have a congenital disability, so I don't have to pay for my script. I am wondering how long this will continue to be available like this...? Should I maybe just keep collecting it until they say a new scrip needs to be written? Should I maybe wait and see... then do a blast and cruise? for example.. keep getting my weekly injection and take an extra 200-300mg a week for 10 weeks? I'm not worried about shutting my shit down, its already shut down and I have 6 kids already. So, then I could just resume my regular dose after I've used up the extra bottles and keep most of the gains, right?

side note: So... training...
I train on a modified SL 5x5, but I peaked my lifts at 500 DL, 400 Squat, 300 Bench/Row & 200 OHP and now I am just adding reps to my sets. I kinda started my weights so that they would end up at those poundages, as it seemed to be a balanced ratio for strength. So now I am going up to 5x6-8 using the same weights. I feel like adding more weight was causing stress on my joints, and I am a small guy only 5'4 and being 40 years old ... I don't have aspirations of going pro powerlifting or bodybuilding. I do accessory work when I am not too beat. I do 1 day on, 2 days off because I don't get DOMS until that 2nd day. I hit all 5 exercises each workout. I do the 5x5 Reg Park style, with 2 warmup sets at 60% and 80% then 3 work sets. so for example I bench warmup with 180x5, 240x5, then working sets 3(300x5) and I try to add as many reps as I can to the last set. If I hit 8 reps or more, then I add reps to the 2nd set the following workout...

I get 3 workouts in a week, 2 the following week and just repeat that.... so it rotates

feedback on the TRT, blasting with the extra T, and the training... would be appreciated.
So this is an opinion from an old guy almost twice your age (74 yo).

Your weights are amazing. I'm jealous. But watch out for joints and injuries. I have to be real careful myself.

I would do the blast and cruise. I run a constant "enhanced" TRT of about 150mg/week that keeps my TT in the 1100 - 1500 range. I like the physical effects. But I am also real careful about avoiding adverse effects. I carefully watch HCT, lipids, blood pressure.

I don't like needles either. I hate it. But I use a 27 gauge 1/2 inch needle as a shallow IM injection. It's not too bad. I would never consider the long fat deep IM needles.
I don't know how you have time to go for injections with 6 kids etc. ( I have seven so I know how much time they take. ). You should just man it up and learn how to self inject. It's much easier and less time-consuming.

If your dialed in with your TRT dose, I would blast and cruise as mentioned above. Be careful with blasting and your E2 level. If you are doubling or tripling your TRT dose, you'll probably have to double your Anastrozole. Be careful though, you do not want to crash your estradiol.

I'm not telling you how to blast, but most guys go up to 400 to 500 mg per week. 100 mg per week for your TRT does seems rather low. What is your through reading at 100 mg per week? I doubt you even need anastrozole at 100 mg per week, but everyone is different.
Agree with everything said.

What is your e level with 1mg of Adex/wk? I don't need any at twice your TRT dose. You'll probably be able to reduce your TRT Adex dose and save extra for your blasts. Be careful not to test high with your doctor. If he catches you blasting you'll have issues.

My last blood draw was supposed to just be for other things, liver function, cloresterole etc... but the Dr threw in a surprise testosterone test. I suspected she might because I was a new patient so I gorged on black licorice the day before my draw. Total T came back 556 ng/dl... but it had hovered around 850 in previous tests at the 100mg dose. So, to not risk getting taken off, the licorice. It actually works. Didn't get an e2 taken for some reason.... Probably because she didn't know what to look for. Free test was in the middle of the road too. I usually split my anastazole in half and take it the night of my shot, then 4 days later. I also skipped my dose of it hoping a little conversion would keep my time level lower. She bought it and is keeping me on my dose. However, I still am getting those extra bottles. So maybe I should run an extra 200mg a week for 10 or 12 weeks? Thanks.
If you are getting scripts from two different doctors for test then you need to forfeit one. Eventually it will catch up with you. Its called doctor shopping. Even though its not intentional the end result is still the same.

As far as pinning anxiety goes, get yourself some 30g 1cc 1/2" insulin syringes. Back fill them(takes a little getting used to). Pin in the shoulder. Painless and easy. BD makes a 10pack of 30g x 1cc x 1/2" insulin syringes for about 5 bucks or so.

You do not need any Dex until you have a high result from a labcorp, arup labs, or quest diagnostics sensitive Estradiol test that uses LC/MS. Until the result is high its just masochism to take 1mg a week.
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If you are getting scripts from two different doctors for test then you need to forfeit one. Eventually it will catch up with you. Its called doctor shopping. Even though its not intentional the end result is still the same.

This . Dr shopping is illegal and is also fraud given you are on Medicaid and effectively getting 2 scripts paid for by uncle sam . Be careful.
follow the advice given here OP. you got 6 kids to worry about.

I will pick up a final script from the pharmacy this week, and tell them I will be getting injections in the office from now on. This will give me 12 200 ml bottles, so I can blast for 12 weeks with 300mg per week. I will call my previous doctor and inform them as well to cancel my script. This should cover me right? Thanks for the advice.
you just have to cancel one. not both. by fed law the most you can posess is 6 months worth. so if you have more than 6 months return the ones for whichever docs script you cancel. were just saying pic one script and stick with it. i think youll be fine just keep in mind our govt is always looking for ppl to make examples out of.
yes. except Massachusetts n new york. then you get 1 month.

No shit????? So would my dock give me a scrip for this "6 month supply"?
I would sure like to have that much socked away! I hate relying on other people for shit, AND I am kind of a doomsdayer. I also HATE the fact that my insurance company will only approve me "30 days supply" at a time. It's such a pain in the ass! They used to give me the regular 10ml vial until recently! I mean what if the sky starts falling?
I'm gonna dig into this!! I even thought about looking into buying the stuff to make my own if I ever had to but figured the raw goods would probably just go bad sitting next to the guns, ammo, & food storage!! :shoot7:

Where did you find this federal info on the 6 month supply?
So this is an opinion from an old guy almost twice your age (74 yo).

Your weights are amazing. I'm jealous. But watch out for joints and injuries. I have to be real careful myself.

I would do the blast and cruise. I run a constant "enhanced" TRT of about 150mg/week that keeps my TT in the 1100 - 1500 range. I like the physical effects. But I am also real careful about avoiding adverse effects. I carefully watch HCT, lipids, blood pressure.

I don't like needles either. I hate it. But I use a 27 gauge 1/2 inch needle as a shallow IM injection. It's not too bad. I would never consider the long fat deep IM needles.

That's great advise. I just started getting arthritis in my hips.
To clarify, I told my old doctor that I have a new doctor and to not prescribe the T anymore. I picked up my last 2 bottles from the pharmacy last week and told them that I would be canceling that prescription as well. I now have 12 200 mg bottles on hand, and I am getting 100 mg injected weekly at the new doctors office. Thanks guys. Should I run 300 a week for 12 weeks?
12 fucking bottle.. are these like 1ml vials or some shit? Are you getting them little single use vials? I have seen them in Walmart. You say 200mg so I have to assume, this is different versus having 12 full 10ml vials of test... if you have 12 of the 10ml ones and you filled them all legally within a close time frame I'd be nervous.
12 fucking bottle.. are these like 1ml vials or some shit? Are you getting them little single use vials? I have seen them in Walmart. You say 200mg so I have to assume, this is different versus having 12 full 10ml vials of test... if you have 12 of the 10ml ones and you filled them all legally within a close time frame I'd be nervous.

12 200mg/ml bottles plus my 100mg trt weekly in office injection means I could use a bottle a week for 12 weeks for a total of 300mg per week, then return to just my regular trt afterwards. It took 6 months approximately to accumulate them, as the pharmacy only allowed me 2 bottles per month, which is... the equivalent of my normal dose.
Got ya so single use 1ml vials, at first I thought you meant 12 of the full 10ml vials, the small ones you can have more of.

You can use UGL to blast as 300mg isn't much of a blast, of course it's still more then 100mg a week.