First let me say politely it appears you have little to no education in the use of AAS ( steroids). Before you cycle at all you MUST get educated. The use of AAS is not as simple as you might think. I can't go into it all and spoon feed you all you need to know. SO before you do an oral only please know you have much to read and study.
With ALL cycles you need at least a low dose of Testosterone. Oral only steroids are for women at low doses. It is very hard on your liver so depending on tings you may need to include a liver support. Anadrol being a low androgenic will still increase your estrogenic sides such as Gyno and all the others sides of high E2. That being said you will need an AI.
I'll stop there and so you can see this is a VERY BAD idea. You sound young, I'm thinking, ... ? so what are your stats anyway. Age , ht, wt . BF% and history of lifting / training
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