is Azolol fake or real?

who makes it? never heard of that "brand" of stanozolol

how much are you taking? how are you taking it?
its from a company call british dispensary (lp) co. ltd im currently talking 20 mg per day ,10 mg in the morning and 10mg in the afternoon
lipps said:
its from a company call british dispensary (lp) co. ltd im currently talking 20 mg per day ,10 mg in the morning and 10mg in the afternoon

have you ever taken anything else (including PH or designer steroids)?

because 20mg/day of winstrol alone is not much, only high level responders (steroid virgins) will see much from that.
Azolol is legit.Yellow triangle shaped tabs.20mg is a very low dose and you should consider upping it.
macro said:
have you ever taken anything else (including PH or designer steroids)?

because 20mg/day of winstrol alone is not much, only high level responders (steroid virgins) will see much from that.
macro is right . thats basically not much more than a womans doseage and some women go even higher .