Is Cabergoline the Answer to Libido, ED, Morning Wood and Low Testosterone Issues?


A lot of guys come to the TRT forum complaining of poor libido, ED, infrequent or non-existant "morning wood." A lot of them suspect it is due to low testosterone levels and their search brings them to 'Ology. I have been doing some reading and it looks like imbalances of prolactin and dopamine may be a possible culprit. Dopamine is the hormone responsible for sexual arousal. After a male has an orgasm, high levels of prolactin are released which provides him with sexual gratification and puts him in what is known as the Refractory Period. This is the time where a male has to wait a while before he is capable of having sex again. Prolactin counteracts the effects of dopamine. Similarly, dopamine is known as the Prolactin Inhibitory Hormone. They go hand-in-hand in the body's search for homeostasis. Using Cabergoline to change the balance between dopamine and prolactin may be the answer to solving libido and ED problems. Perhaps even Low T itself.

Cabergoline is a type of Dopamine Agonist. Dopamine receptor agonists are drugs that have a structure very similar to dopamine. Because of this similarity, they are able to mimic the action of dopamine (rather than replenish the inadequate supply of dopamine) in the brain. If one imagines dopamine as being a key (agonist) which only fits a specific lock (receptor) to let a door open (i.e. penile erection), losing the key to the door means that the door cannot be opened. The loss of dopamine therefore means that the receptors will not receive the signal telling the penis to work properly. But because dopamine agonists have a similar structure to dopamine, they are able to fit into the dopamine receptor, resulting in the same signal being sent that occurs with dopamine in the non-diseased state and normal control of the penis is restored.

Here are some things to consider:

- One of the side effects of cabergoline is that it can, in some cases, increase libido in subjects.
- Studies have shown that it can stop erectile dysfunction along with improving copulatory performance.
- Cabergoline is well documented to reduce the refractory period after sex and allow men to have numerous multiple orgasims in rapid succession.
- You may experience "overwhelming" orgasims and stronger ejaculations.
- Cabergoline may also make you a happier person with all that dopamine floating around your brain.
- Elevated prolactin levels can lower testosterone levels.

It may be worth having a conversation with an endocrinologist about prolactin and treatment with cabergoline before hopping on TRT for the rest of your life -- especially if you are a male in your 20's or 30's. Here are some studies out there. But I will caution that the first one is based on men with hyperprolactinemia so it may not be applicable to the general population.

Six Months of Treatment with Cabergoline Restores Sexual Potency in Hyperprolactinemic Males: An Open Longitudinal Study Monitoring Nocturnal Penile Tumescence

In conclusion, at study entry, 50% of the patients complained of sexual disturbances, 96.7% of whom had an impairment of erectile events per night compared with 13.7% of controls. Six months of treatment with cabergoline normalized testosterone levels in most cases, thus restoring and maintaining during treatment the capability of normal sexual activity in hyperprolactinemic males.

In conclusion, 50% of the patients coming to our observation for hyperprolactinemia complained of sexual disturbances, whereas 96.7% of them had an impairment of erectile events per night compared with 13.7% of controls. Six months of treatment with cabergoline was successful not only in producing a rapid normalization of serum PRL levels but also in restoring and preserving gonadal function in hyperprolactinemic men. The treatment should be considered as a first choice in hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism, providing a normalizing of gonadotropin pulsatile secretion and consequently testosterone levels in most cases, thus restoring and maintaining during treatment the capability of normal sexual activity in male patients.

Besides the clear-cut PRL-inhibitory effect, cabergoline, in analogy with other dopamine agonists (33, 34), could improve erectile function also directly at a central level. This central effect has been better demonstrated by using apomorphine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (34). The exact involvement of dopamine in the control of sexual motivation and genital arousal in men is still unknown, but experimental data in male rats suggest an implication of dopamine in sexual motivation as well as in copulatory performance (34). The anticipatory/motivational phase of copulatory behavior is regulated by dopamine released at the nucleus accumbens (innervated by the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway) and the medial hypothalamic preoptic area (innervated by the dopaminergic incertohypothalamic pathway), but a permissive role of dopamine released at the median hypothalamic preoptic area has also been documented (34).

International Journal of Impotence Research - Cabergoline treatment in men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

The effectiveness of cabergoline in 50 men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction was investigated in a 4-month, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study with validated psychological tests, and prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and testosterone serum levels. Cabergoline treatment was well-tolerated and resulted in normalization of hormone levels in most cases. In the cabergoline-treated group, significant interactions between prolactin and testosterone serum concentrations were observed. Erectile function improved significantly. Sexual desire, orgasmic function, and the patient's and his partner's sexual satisfaction were also enhanced. Cabergoline may be an effective and safe alternative agent for men with psychogenic ED.

I do want to caution you to consider the risks that come with using Cabergoline or any other Dopamine Agonist (DA). Make sure you do your homework before using these medications. Dopamine Agonist Withdrawal Syndrome (DAWS) is real. If you are prone to compulsive obsessiveness, you should really think twice as DA's are known to cause problems with obsessive gambling, hyper-sexuality or other compulsive disorders. They can cause nausea and fatigue. Even hallucinations in some cases. They are best taken before bed with food. Although Cabergoline seems to be tolerated better than other DA's.

A common dosage for Cabergoline would be between .25mg and .50mg every 3.5 days. The half-life is approximately 60-70 hours.

Finally, I am not a doctor so make sure you consult with yours thoroughly before considering any treatments involving Dopamine Agonists including Cabergoline.
Is caber FDA approved in men?
Any side effects?
Whats the minimum dose for caber?

Yes, it is approved. You can find a list of side effects, good and bad, on Wikipedia.

I listed the recommended doses. It is recommended to not go above 1mg/week.
Interesting. I am going to get my proclactin checked. I wonder if this is my issue. I was so sure that going on Androgel was going to correct my low libido issues. It really is the only reason I went on it. My TT was 400 before starting androgel 8 months ago. I am 59. Yes this is not great, but I have not really felt any more benefits for it being now up over 1000.

If my prolactin is high, I will get cabergoline, and then do a clomid restart.
Doctors are dumb they don't look into shit, raising testosterone raises estrogen which raises prolactin. They believe by giving test it just fixes it all
Amen brother KBD. So I guess I should get my E2 checked as well as prolactin. This F$$#%% doctor practically guaranteed I would get my libido back. Every visit is $100. I am sick of this sheet!
Amen brother KBD. So I guess I should get my E2 checked as well as prolactin. This F$$#%% doctor practically guaranteed I would get my libido back. Every visit is $100. I am sick of this sheet!

Checking E2 while on TRT is a must!
They don't wanna deal with it, that's why it's better to find these drugs from legit research companies because docs are not gonna do shit but give u the bare minimum unless you absolutely need it, they could give a shit less if ur dick isn't working because it can't kill you and they have the power to prescribe anytning and I believe it's a sort of a power trip for them. They don't know AAS at all or how shit works it's all a stupid game with them and NOT all of them but most.
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I don't have the symptoms of high E2. But I am going to break down and get both prolactin and E2 checked. I don't know where I am at with E2. Only symptom I have are, I keep waking up at night, can't sleep good, piss poor libido, and I am always fatigued.
Interesting. I am going to get my proclactin checked. I wonder if this is my issue. I was so sure that going on Androgel was going to correct my low libido issues. It really is the only reason I went on it. My TT was 400 before starting androgel 8 months ago. I am 59. Yes this is not great, but I have not really felt any more benefits for it being now up over 1000.

If my prolactin is high, I will get cabergoline, and then do a clomid restart.

400 ng dl at age 59 is not the worst level for T.
Theres guys younger than you with less than 400 ng dl. ..
I've seen my prolactin slightly climb while on TRT but still well in range. I've also seen it come in fairly low normal at 5 while on ADEX monotherapy. If you control Estradiol well while on TRT, prolactin shouldn't be a problem.
We dont know the long term effects of taking meds like cabergoline for TRT purposes.
Cabergoline was invented in 1981 and got FDA approval in 1996. It has been around for quite a while is is regularly used to treat Parkinson's Disease and Restless Leg Syndrome.
I didn't read all of this yet but I can tell you that certain people will be prone to dopamine depletion on D-agonists...Also Caber being of the ergot derivative is proven to cause heart valve destruction over the long term. A better long term option is probably prami or requip but again as you're squeezing out dopamine, eventually your brain is going to tell you F off...And with long term comes heavy withdrawal from dopamine agonists...i'd put it up there with benzo withdrawal. Caber is rarely used for RLS and Parkinson's at this point...more so for pituitary tumors from an endocrine standpoint. No disrespect Megatron but there's a whole different set of studies regarding D-agonists that aren't so appealing.

By DA depletion I mean that the brain is going to cut off your natural production of dopamine...just like when you take T...Shutdown.
Cabergoline was invented in 1981 and got FDA approval in 1996. It has been around for quite a while is is regularly used to treat Parkinson's Disease and Restless Leg Syndrome.

I understand that....
But it has no track record for TRT.
If visiting an Endo, the first thing they take into account( or should) before treating with any medication is safety track record of said drug.
I didn't read all of this yet but I can tell you that certain people will be prone to dopamine depletion on D-agonists...Also Caber being of the ergot derivative is proven to cause heart valve destruction over the long term. A better long term option is probably prami or requip but again as you're squeezing out dopamine, eventually your brain is going to tell you F off...And with long term comes heavy withdrawal from dopamine agonists...i'd put it up there with benzo withdrawal. Caber is rarely used for RLS and Parkinson's at this point...more so for pituitary tumors from an endocrine standpoint. No disrespect Megatron but there's a whole different set of studies regarding D-agonists that aren't so appealing.

By DA depletion I mean that the brain is going to cut off your natural production of dopamine...just like when you take T...Shutdown.

Sounds like you have some experience with DA's Ben. It would be great to hear about your experiences when you have time. And please point us in the direction of any studies that are worth reading.

I didn't suggest Prami because it is so hard for most guys to take due to the side effects like nausea/vomiting. I didn't like it when I tried it. I couldn't sleep well on it either. I haven't noticed any I'll effects from taking Caber.

I definitely think that one needs to consider the risks of DA's, including DAWS - which I pointed out in my original post. At the same time, having ED and no libido is no way to live life. You have first hand experience with that Ben. I think considering and evaluating Prolactin levels is in order if you have ED and no libido and other treatments are not working. Additionally, one may want to look at Prolactin before signing up for TRT for the rest of his life.
I understand that....
But it has no track record for TRT.
If visiting an Endo, the first thing they take into account( or should) before treating with any medication is safety track record of said drug.

I am not saying that this is a replacement for TRT when one has hypogonadism.
I am not saying that this is a replacement for TRT when one has hypogonadism.

Meg, do you think it is too late for me to go back to producing my own T. I have been on jel for since September of last year. I just recently switched to 75mg of test C two times a week. My total T was 400 before starting. I am told this is not that bad for a guy 59. I am beginning to think that prolactin could be a problem for me. Of course I have to get a blood test first to verify this. I was on yesterday, was able to keep a good hardon. Today, not so good. Lost it three times after only about 5 minutes. I haven't had arimidex in 3 or 4 days. I got some good night time wood about 3 nights ago. I have to go ahead and get prolactin and E2 checked. Just running on a tight budget.