Is coconut oil good when it comes to oils we use in gear?


Is coconut oil ok when it comes to oils we use in gear?

Typically there's the organics like flax seed and other oils. Also triglycerides.

Can somebody give us some more chemistry/medical knowledge and give us the skinny on the differences of these oils and the pros and cons of each?

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Milton from me reading on some pages of this forum actually on threads about about 5 years old ... it is possible to be used yes . From what i understand its called MTC or Medium Chain Triglycerides . MCT is used in alot of labs and is VERY FINE. almost as much as EO without the allergins. So it is possible . I cant say more then that lol sure someone will chime in with more details . What i realy wanna know is how many calories and macros im getting when i inject . :^) .
i never brewed my own gear but from what i know, any oil is ok as long as its sterile.

i remember last week i went to my uncles house for dinner and the salad dressing tasted really REALLY familiar! so i asked his wife what she put in it and she said "grapeseed oil".
Milton from me reading on some pages of this forum actually on threads about about 5 years old ... it is possible to be used yes . From what i understand its called MTC or Medium Chain Triglycerides . MCT is used in alot of labs and is VERY FINE. almost as much as EO without the allergins. So it is possible . I cant say more then that lol sure someone will chime in with more details . What i realy wanna know is how many calories and macros im getting when i inject . :^) .

I would also like to know how much grams of fat i am injectign and how much my body absorbs and utilizes. Cant go over on my fats im trying to lean bulk lol.
Milton from me reading on some pages of this forum actually on threads about about 5 years old ... it is possible to be used yes . From what i understand its called MTC or Medium Chain Triglycerides . MCT is used in alot of labs and is VERY FINE. almost as much as EO without the allergins. So it is possible . I cant say more then that lol sure someone will chime in with more details . What i realy wanna know is how many calories and macros im getting when i inject . :^) .

5 years ago was 100 years ago, get it? new sciences, new breakthroughs means NEW info not, 5 year old outdated info.
I do not see any reason why coconut oil would be bad, since MCT oil is often derived from coconut oil with some of the parts filtered out or removed somehow. But I am far from an expert, so consider this a bump to your question. :)