Is homosexuality genetic or a learned behavior?


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Some homosexual men have told me they were always gay even from their earliest memories. Some people say homosexuality is a conscious choice made by the individual and some say it is not choice at all but something you are born with.
the ladyboys here take estrogen to bring out their feminine characteristics which is interesting for steriodology men have told me they were always gay and they were born that way.....i wonder if there is a correlation between one's naturally occurring testosterone/ estrogen production and sexual preference i.e. Gay vs. Straight....what is your take on that stone cold nto??? Do you think sexuality is biological in origin??? Or do you think sexuality is a conscious choice one makes??
And to answer your question, sexuality is biological, but it has little to do with test/estro. I know some very gay men with very high test levels (and who cycle a lot)
thats very interesting to me what do u think is the biological mechanism which determines one's sexual preference??? If u examined..say a chemical blood count...cbc bloodtest result from a ladyboy and compared that to cbc test result from a heterosexual man what differences would u see???? What chemicals in the human body determine sexual preference??
Originally Posted by mrrage View Post
the answer lies both in the dna and chromosomes. You dont find these answers in something as simple as a cbc.
could u perform a dna marker test and chromosome count to determine a person's sexuality???? It's interesting because some say sexuality is genetic and some say it's a learned behavior
people say its a learned behavior because they dont want to admit that something they dont like is unnatural. but yet you can have a man raised in a completely heterosexual environment and be homosexual. Can we right now do those tests? no, as we are still in the infantile stages of the understanding of our genome. There are some studies showing differences in the X chromosome in homosexual males and that many have similar xy pairings to heterosexual women, same as some homosexual women have similar chromosomal pairings as heterosexual men. But, once again, all of this is still in the infant stages. Of course what also comes into play is the Kinseyan idea that all people are bisexual, but it is then determined to which degree... where some are 95% in one way or the other, and its a sliding scale across the board, which is what I believe to be the basics of it, and then our genetics determine where along the scale we slide. Really its a fascinating field of study, but too many people are blinded by their prejudices to study it because it might conflict with the little "understanding" of the world they think they have.
ok mr.rage for the sake of a healthy debate i am going to take a position opposite of yours. In this way we can analyze your contention from both sides. You say that a man can be raised in a completely heterosexual environment yet still be homosexual and thus this proves homosexuality is not a learned behavior but biological at its point of origin. Yet you are basing this on the fact all of the men in that particular environment claim to be heterosexual. What you do not see is the uncle who is a closet homosexual who sexually molested your gay man when he was young thus having a psychological impact on his subconscious mind causing him to become homosexual in his adult years. Your gay man has no conscious memory of his prior homosexual experiences and insists his homosexuality is genetic and he was born that way. He proclaims all the men in his home town are straight and uses your contention as evidence to prove homosexuality is biological and not behavioral at its point of origin. You claim slight differences in dna cause homosexuality yet as humans we share most of the same dna with all plant and animal life on this planet and homosexuality does not exist in nature. When was the last time you saw a gay lion on the national geographic channel. Have you ever heard of a gay bird? Biological homosexuality contradicts the darwinian theory that all life on earth strives to survive as long as it can and procreate in order to insure survival of the species. Obviously homosexual animals cannot produce offspring and pass on these so called genetic homosexual traits of yours. Given that homo sapiens share such a large percentage of their dna with animals especially primates yet homosexuality does not exist in the animal world your human homosexual dna theory simply has no scientific basis. If it is true that human homosexuality is genetic and not a learned behavior trait then how do you explain the fact that the percentage of homosexuals in any given populous can fluctuate so dramatically from one demographic to the next? For example; the percentage of homosexual men in san francisco is far greater than that of say cleveland ohio. Do men with your homosexual chromosome congregate together in one are? I know the gay men in san francisco are not producing offspring and thus passing on this so called genetic homosexual trait thus increasing the percentage of people who have that trait in that area. So how do you explain this? Some people think homosexuality is a fad which comes and goes depending on whether or not it is considered the in thing or cool thing in that area at that time. For example; in alexander the greats time the mesopotamian people thought homosexuality was cool and thus the percentage of homosexual men in that culture at that time increased as more people got into the popular mesopotamian homosexual lifestyle as compared to say the nazi party era in germany where people disliked homosexuality and it was not considered cool at all and thus the homosexual populous in that culture during that time diminished into nonexistence. This proves homosexuality is behavioral and not biological at its point of origin. Again i am taking a position opposite yours for the sake of debate and intellectual discussion mr.rage and this position does not necessarily reflect my own personal views.
Also, if you think Homosexuals didnt exist in NAZI germany.... what about the SA? hmmmm Ernst Rhom? And there are a lot of black people in compton, does that mean that if i move to compton ill be black? your arguments are unscientific and well... backwards and mildly retarded.
Great news article mr. Rage i've never read anything like it before. Apparently what i was taught in science class was wrong and homosexuality does exist in the animal kingdom.
Theres scientific evidence to show that homosexuality becomes a genetic form of population control

e.g. u put rats in a confined space and they multiply.. they overpopulate that confined space.. then u see rats trying to have sex with the same sex..

genetic population control? is that what homosexuality is all about?? its interesting
No offense but I bet you had a boy suckin your dick in Thailand and didnt realize it until you grabbed his crotch. My question is.......did ya let shim finish? Be honest!


Snigg stop posting videos of gay men hugging each other and holding hands......Look Snigg we all know you work at a men's prison because of your closet sexual preferences but the video is an obvious sign you are truly gay inside.........I liked it better when you tried to hide it from everybody Snigg.
Very interesting point 3J. Is homosexuality a form of population control within a species? Is it a hidden, latent survival mechanism? It is fascinating because overpopulation causes all manner of problems within the animal group such as food shortages, increased instances of communicable diseases being transmitted and contracted, unsanitary living conditions due to overabundance of animal byproduct (waste), larger number of males competing over mating rights and a basic depletion of all available resources within the area the animals are living.
Could the rat study indicate that in highly populated human areas (city) the propensity towards homosexual behavior becomes greater thus causing a greater percentage of homosexuals in that location?
Theres scientific evidence to show that homosexuality becomes a genetic form of population control

e.g. u put rats in a confined space and they multiply.. they overpopulate that confined space.. then u see rats trying to have sex with the same sex..

genetic population control? is that what homosexuality is all about?? its interesting

its a combination of that along with other genetic factors as well