people say its a learned behavior because they dont want to admit that something they dont like is unnatural. but yet you can have a man raised in a completely heterosexual environment and be homosexual. Can we right now do those tests? no, as we are still in the infantile stages of the understanding of our genome. There are some studies showing differences in the X chromosome in homosexual males and that many have similar xy pairings to heterosexual women, same as some homosexual women have similar chromosomal pairings as heterosexual men. But, once again, all of this is still in the infant stages. Of course what also comes into play is the Kinseyan idea that all people are bisexual, but it is then determined to which degree... where some are 95% in one way or the other, and its a sliding scale across the board, which is what I believe to be the basics of it, and then our genetics determine where along the scale we slide. Really its a fascinating field of study, but too many people are blinded by their prejudices to study it because it might conflict with the little "understanding" of the world they think they have.