what is everyone's take here on TRANSGENDER

Who really gives a fk what other people do w their lives. ..are they you?...no, so who cares do what you want, live how you want. We get one shot at this gig so do as you please. As long as you're not hurting anyone else or pushing your beliefs, roll w it

WRONG! Horrible advice, do not do as you please because when its all said and done, you will have to answer.
Your post literary sounds like the lyrics to a song right out of MTV.
You have to stop listening to those wannabe rappers hanging on strings who are preaching all that you said, those are your Gods and one day we will all see everything for what it really is and was and answer whether we like it or not, it is written....
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WRONG! Horrible advice, do not do as you please because when its all said and done, you will have to answer.
Your post literary sounds like the lyrics to a song right out of MTV.
You have to stop listening to those wannabe rappers hanging on strings who are preaching all that you said, those are your Gods and one day we will all see everything for what it really is and was and answer whether we like it or not, it is written....

That's the problem...it's written in many places, in many ways
My take on transgender and gay's I don't like it and it grosses me out. It's NOT NORMAL. we have a penis and women have a vagina we know but initially it really was for propagating /. I believe. But of course it is pleasure able so we do it for that reason also. Or for the most part that's it. I love sex with a woman or myself.

Whether you believe I in the bible or not, you don't see animals mixing their gender, I've not seen it. I don't think people are born gay. That's like saying someone in the wrong body is a mistake from our maker. That's my take there.

I think a child does better with a female figured mother and a male father. You see some problems with some children without a father figure.

Now you also have the argument of the bible. If our GOD is a true entity as described in the bible than it is written, using the word HOMOSEXUALS in the NIV translations 1st Corinthians 6:9 That Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders etc.... and on will not inherit the kingdom of God.

This is MY belief and ya know almost all the religions have the same basic principals ( if you have studied) like the fruits of the Holy Spirit. From those Nine basic principals come other good and do unto others as you........ . so whether you believe in Buda or the Christian God you will find the same. And I've not brought Jesus into this because the Jews have the same principals. THAT"S ENOUGH ON THAT.

Why do the flamboyant gays act the way they do. More feminine then the female gender. The walk the voice the waving of the hand like a girl but worse. I think it's an act to be some kinda freak and get attention.

Anyway, I'm not a gay basher and they can do what they want , so do I. Kids with two female or male parents I think is horrible THIS IS MY TAKE ONLY.
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