Is it just me...


New member
...or does home brew make you feel more accomplished.

Before making this cycle I made a cycle of tren and was kinda scared of it because there is no reaction, no foaming, no heat, nothing.

after the person who used it said it was great stuff I gave it a go with this cycle and I can't really explain it but I love making it.

Something about playing around with stuff like that...guess I should have been a chemist.

Sorry if this is in the wrong section because of it's pointlessness but I had to say something and thought this was the best place to put it.
im starting to hate the process-it gives me a headache-although their is some satisfaction in pinning your own knowing for sure your shit is dosed right
im starting to hate the process-it gives me a headache-although their is some satisfaction in pinning your own knowing for sure your shit is dosed right

Haha hopefully i can experience that soon, tired of underdosed shit
Love making all my own gear...and now after a few lessons so do my friends :D...a big FU to all the dodgy underdosing or unsterile dealers out there :)