Is it me or is the cost benefit to Anavar not worth it


New member
Anavar is hella expensive and from what I can read the drug doesn't seem to do too much. Folks speak on muscle hardening and vascularity but there seems to be at least 3 or 4 compounds on the market that can provide the exact same thing and more for a fraction of the cost. Your thoughts??
im a big fan of var... yea its very expensive and the benefits are less than optimal compaired to other compounds but for some reason it agrees with me
I can think of two reasons why it costs more:

1. It has been proven to decrease body fat. Unfortunately, many take this to the extreme and think of it as a magic pill - which it isn't.

2. It has very low androgenic activity. This makes it ideal for women and those that are sensitive to androgens.

I personally really like anavar as it provides great strength and is gentle on the liver compared to other orals. Of course, many shady folks out there counterfeit the drug, which adds to the risk vs reward.

My .02c :)
IMO REAL anavar is very effective. It is worth it IMO because of what it can do, with so little side effects. People may argue that winstrol is superior to anavar for cutting, but I would disagree. Anavar has been proven to aid in fat burning, is great for strength, hardens you up, and can even add some decent mass. It's more versatile than winny, much less toxic, much less side effects, and similar results with slightly more anabolic activity. Tbol would be the next runner up, but I don't notice the hardening/sculpting effects that anavar gives. It really is quite unique if you ask me.
Good to know. I have been doing some research and as an older guy now at 44 i want to burn fat and harden up. Anyone point me in the right direction to get some (var) ?
Good to know. I have been doing some research and as an older guy now at 44 i want to burn fat and harden up. Anyone point me in the right direction to get some (var) ?

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Real 'Var is excellent... I'd throw it in on every cut if I could afford it.

Unfortunately, 'Var is probably the single most counterfeited oral on the market - so be sure of your source before splashing the cash!

I love the granite hardness and vascularity a 'Var cut gives - it can be a show-stopper.

I'd personally only recommend 'Var if your bodyfat percentage is reasonably low anyway - I really think it shines bringing in that last few percent to your condition.
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