is it okay to inject Test E with only one day space?!


I am banned!

I know standard for Test E 500mg per week is 1ml/250mg on monday and 1ml/250mg on thursday

but can I do it monday and wednesday? or saturday and monday? instead of monday and thursday??

thank you
That's a great question. As long as you space 3 days in between you can start any day of the week. I start mine on Sunday's and pin on Wednesday. Whatever blows your hair back.
Maybe you should just inject once a week of you can't do it every 3.5 days. The idea is to space the injections out evenly to have even hormone levels.
That's a great question. As long as you space 3 days in between you can start any day of the week. I start mine on Sunday's and pin on Wednesday. Whatever blows your hair back.

but can I pin every saturday and monday?? pin 1ml on saturday and 1ml on monday and 1ml on saturday again and 1ml on monday

As megatron said......the idea of 3.5 days is to give a more even hormone level profile. Many people do 2ml one day per week. Most of us do 1ml every 3 or 4 days.

Did we ever get your stats?
Age? at the very least

I think not. this case the answer is no. It is not ok to inject any amount at any frequency at all. If you need hormone replacement then this is a different story.

Please just stay away from hormones unless your bloodwork says you need it. Good luck friend
I injected 1ml (250mg) yesterday and today, I injeted 1ml (250mg) again. what can I expect from this??

I rather inject once a week. the more I inject, the more of a hassle it is. once a week is best for me, but I injected 1ml yesterday, so one day later (today) I injected another 1ml. what will happen??
You will have 2ml in your body. What are you asking?

Wanna inject once per week? Cool......lots of bros do exactly that. Do what ya want. The suggested amount is 1ml every 3 to 4 days. What are you unclear about?

I'll tell you what we are unclear old are you....what are your many cycles have you done.......what does your pct look like and do you have it in hand.....what are your goals??????
I injected 1ml (250mg) yesterday and today, I injeted 1ml (250mg) again. what can I expect from this??

I rather inject once a week. the more I inject, the more of a hassle it is. once a week is best for me, but I injected 1ml yesterday, so one day later (today) I injected another 1ml. what will happen??
now you sound like a troll. you asked, we answered to space it out 3 to 3.5 days and you pinned one day after the other and now ask what you can expect.
aint nobody got time for that.
and you need to answer the man above, stats, cycle goals etc.
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what can I do now?? I injected Friday and Saturday.. so how do I continue?

do I wait until next Friday and inject again or what??
what can I do now?? I injected Friday and Saturday.. so how do I continue?

do I wait until next Friday and inject again or what??


You're too young for this. Glad you're just a troll. I would hate to think that you were really using steroids.

Sucks cuz dicks like you ruin the sharing of information on sites like this. You keep asking stupid shit and keep ignoring advice and the bros get irritated and sick of it........then they are less likely to help when someone comes on and they are genuinely confused.
How about if you space the shots every 84 hours. so from now ion wait till next friday and pin again and wait 84 hours and so on and so forth.
******.. how the fuk am I trolling? please answer my question

I have never trolled on this forum. this forum isn't a place to troll. if I was gonna troll, I'd go to a whole another forum/game. not this ffs, it literally makes no sense to troll like that.

can someone just tell me what to do? I injected yesterday and the day before. how do I continue the cycle? I doubt I can keep injecting like this (friday+saturday) every week. what do I do now? do I injet next time on friday and after that on tuesday or do I injeted 2cc on friday next week?

thank you
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Holy shit. YOU NEED TO STOP USING. You have less than no idea what you're doing. This is the most basic of all basics. You wanna inject once a week? Ok.....shit loads of bros do it. Doesnt matter when your next one is if ya just started. Take it saturday.....or sunday......or monday....and just do it the same day every week. I cant help but try to help you but I don't believe there is any help for you. Hold old are you?????????? Not trolling?????? You wont answer any questions. Your behavior SCREAMS troll.

You keep asking for answers and you keep fucking getting them. I know what's you're gonna ask again for someone to please answer the question.

Cycle experience?
Workout plan?
age is 20

weight is 75 kg of skinnyfat mess. 75kg and 20%+ bodyfat. so underweight, yet high bodyfat. shitty pathetic weak body

this is why I'm doing a cycle. to try and cut fat and have the roids build muscle for me.