Is it possible to have children on hrt?


New member
I was just wondering I had heard different things I heard hcg will make you able to have children even if you are on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for life, but I also read that doctors don't like to prescribe testosterone to patients that have hypogonadism because of the fertility issue.
It just puts me in a tough place, because without my testosterone I feel horrible, but family comes first and I want to have more kids.

Have any of you or anyone you know concieved children during hrt?
PROPER Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) with hcg included should allow you to be fertile.
thanks for the replys, I was reading an interesting article, from dr. crisler.


The hours long half-life and less pulsatile production of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) makes it a better marker for gonadotropin production, at times, when evaluating HPTA activity. It is less an acute phase reactant to varying serum androgen and estrogen levels than LH. Greatly elevated FSH levels could signal a gonadotrophin-secreting pituitary tumor.

FSH also provides valuable information for those patients undergoing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) who are interested in the state of their fertility. Of note, while there are never guarantees where fertility medicine is concerned, I do not believe appropriate testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will make a fertile man infertile. Constitutive expression is maintained.

does that apply to pepole that run higher doses then return to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) levels with hcg and clomid?
What if you DONT want children....Can you consider yourself safe while on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and when you are ready then you can up the HCG issue?
I have 3 little crumbsnatchers from testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and Blasting, so yeah, it's highly possible to have some churns!!
After years of blasting and cruising, a friend of mine conceived, with the help of 500ius of HCG eod and 250mg of proviron ed
I have heard mixed things on being fertile while being on. I have spoken to Drs that say your sperm count is lowered but we all know it only takes one. some factors include if you stay on for long periods of time without a break. Then Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will help bring your sperm count up. Some of my friends have had all their kids while using heavy amounts with no HCg. So depends on if your count is high or low naturally. A friend of mine has a sperm test while he was on and had none. He went off for 4 months and took Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and re tested and was normal and got his wife pregnant. So seeing your Dr and havin a test on and of would be a good idea. everyone is different so dont use being on as your method of birth control. May have a surprise....
Personally I don't depend on ANY method of birth control. I've know people conceiving while on the pill, using a rubber, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), etc. Vasectomy is the only way to go if you want to be infertile IMO