is my eating ok with test E cycle?


New member
is my eating ok for example today :-)
8 in mornin shake of pure proteins
10 tree pieces of chicken things and small pice of fish
10:30 shake of carbohydrates
11:30 small bowl of rice and pasta with sauce
12 shake of carbs
then hour and a quarter chest training with carbs shake
after training protein shake
then 2 hours of sleep
then carbs shake
then smalbit of rice with a sauce
now my biggest meal 2 chicken breasts with pasta sauce
then shake of carbs
now my home legs and ass workout
after a shake of prots
then a meal verry small fish and chicken
then carbs shake
then prots shake and
sleep for 7-8 hours
is that ok or i need to research my diet???
Sorry but i think you need to reaserch some more. Too many protein shake not enough whole foods. Hit 3j for a diet consultation/opinion in the stickie or better yet become a client and let him work is wonders and change your physique in no time.

there really should be some pop up that appears when people ask for dieting advice.

all it has to say is "did you include your macros and stats with your diet?" yes/no." if yes, let it go through and post. if no, send them back to the post making page.
Real food is important... if u cant eat the real shit then dont roid.

Nathing to more to add. Shake should be taking only PW, or if your in a jam and can have access to real food. Otherwise eat whole food it's much better for all the obvious reasons.
