Is sitting in the suana/steam room healthy?


New member
I sit in the sauna about 3 times a week for about 10 minutes. I think I am probably not doing much good, but if I knew if it was good for you I would probably utilize it more and if unhealthy I would probably stop. Please post any opinions you have. Thank you
first of all just make sure you drink lots of fluids if you go in the sauna....i dont know wether its healthy or not but it relaxes me.
I agree with Hunter.. just make sure you are drinking LOTS of water from sweating so much out in there..
I like hitting the sauna a couple of times a week. But yes, do make sure that you are taking in plenty of fluids.:)
i think ist probably a pretty good workout, i mean your sweating right? so its gotta be working something... 8P
Its not a workout, so dont fool yourself.

You sweat becuase sweat is your body's way of regulating bodyheat- its too hot so your body sweats trying to cool off. Sweat is also used as part of the excretory system-used to excrete toxins out through your skin.

The heat is definitely relaxing, and relaxation is good for your health, but I would still commit more of my time to concentrated gym efforts. You will see more of a benefit to your body composition that way.

Also, I heat and moisture is a great breeding ground for bacteria. I know some people go in there to "clear thier lungs out", which may help the bronchial passages, but at what cost? Spreading bacteria and viruses in the air?

No thank you. Just my 2 cents.