Is test cyp not as thick as test prop? Kalpa pharm


New member
Ive been on test prop for about 10 weeks or so, and I ran out of gear. 100mg EOD, and I switched to test cyp. I know we cant list sources but I got Kalpa Pharm cyp 250/ml

The Dbol I got is fire!!! I am getting my best pump ever. Sweating like a mule, the works!

The Cyp looks legit, and if it is fake it took alot of effort into making those labels. I didnt get the same soreness on my injection site, and it doesnt seem as thick drawing back. Can anyone tell me some of the differences. I will notice switching from prop to cyp?

I am going to do 500 a week now, and I think I will stop on my 14th week? Is this to way to long? I know from what I have learned on here that I am pushing it. I just feel that I have a long way to go on how I want to look.

Anyone tried Kalpa stuff, and is test cyp not as thick as prop?
The thickness should be close to the same. It's all usually mixed in the same oil. And 14 weeks is good.
there are so many variables in viscosity of oils. Temp is a big piece of it. Was your house cooler or hotter before? Also it depends on the BB and BA of the gear.

I would not sweat it the gear is most likely good. Prop will hurt more though when you pin it.
there are so many variables in viscosity of oils. Temp is a big piece of it. Was your house cooler or hotter before? Also it depends on the BB and BA of the gear.

I would not sweat it the gear is most likely good. Prop will hurt more though when you pin it.

This stuff looks like water tho. I mean it looks really really thin, and the prop I had looks completely different.
I'm 8 weeks into a cycle of kalpa test e and I did a 5 week kickstart of kalpa dbol 50mg a day.
The dbol was insane. Gained 40 pounds and gained more strength then I ever thought possible in such a short period of time. I've been on just test for a couple weeks now. My lifts are still going up and I feel good so I'm assuming the're test is gtg.
I'll be getting bloods next week that should confirm it.
best bet is to get the bloodwork done. too many people are throwing dirt on a good brand.
get bw, post ur results, and that shod solidify everything for you.

on another note--10 weeks of prop--followed by 4 weeks of cyc or evn e...IMO is a waste. its gonna take those last 4 weeks and even more for the cyp to build up and release. the 10 week cycle of prop was fine by itself. so in essence--i would extend to 16 or even 18 weeks bro. watevr you do good luck. and let us know how it worked out.
best bet is to get the bloodwork done. too many people are throwing dirt on a good brand.
get bw, post ur results, and that shod solidify everything for you.

on another note--10 weeks of prop--followed by 4 weeks of cyc or evn e...IMO is a waste. its gonna take those last 4 weeks and even more for the cyp to build up and release. the 10 week cycle of prop was fine by itself. so in essence--i would extend to 16 or even 18 weeks bro. watevr you do good luck. and let us know how it worked out.

That is most likely what I will do. I feel like I have crashed and burned so far tho. I fell asleep on NYE at like 9:30... That not like me.

Ill feel it next week or get blood work.