Is there a hair-safe steroid stack

So is there any hair loss prevention (i.e. shampoos, pills) to take on primo?

There isn't anything that would cause adverse effects when taken with primo (such as finasteride with deca) to my knowledge, if that's what you're asking
First cycle i used Test E and Turinabol with little hair loss and was using 1.25mgs of finasteride.My mild hairloss stopped after i dropped the turinabol @ week four. Second cycle i plan on using Test and Eq maybe dbol at a low dose
turinabol is a derivative of dbol.
and the hairloss u may have noticed during ur cycle was most likely a figment of ur imagination, actual hairloss doesn't occur until 2-3 months after cycle completion
Ok so here is my personal hair loss experience with gear, started on Sustanon (sust). pre-loaded from mexico..had to move and didn't want to carry the syr. so i purchased some Andriol... worst decision ever... within 2 weeks my hair was coming out in clumps..... I have a full thick headof hair still... luckily ... but i have a small hairline scar where i can clearly see the receeding line the scar used to be on the line but now it's about 2 centimeter's above it, also I have a dramatic widows peak too that I didn't have before...I cut the Andriol out and instead of taking Fin. right away I carried on doing Sustanon (sust). for waaay to long... Once I stopped my cycle.. I did the smarter thing and dug even deeper than i had before my first cycle.. so after 4 months off a cycle i started Test. enenthate a.. at the 8 week mark I added dbol, again the hair loss started within a week or 2.. so at week 12 I stopped my cycle (did 1/2 shots and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid) started on Finesteride... maintained my gains well ... 225 down to 218 over 3 weeks and held there...i'm guessing water retention..! So to make a long story short this similar story went on for 2 more cycles .. the worst being Winnie that i bought in Bankok, AMAZING gains and shred... but the hairline suffered.. so I did Fin. for a long time ... anyway in the end the Fin. caused some numbness and sexual dysfuction for me and the hair never grew back.. luckily.. i'm really the only one who can feel and see the difference. So i've been off gear for 10 months, taking liver cleanse ( the Liv 52 i think it's called) training as hard as i can down to 205 now taking limited supps. I guess in the end is there are sides... deal with them .. learn your body not everyone reacts the same and decide if the sides are worth the gains... for me they were.. i was 185 before at 6'3" and I will do them again... i'll go back to the original Sustanon (sust). 12 weeks with the best PCT.
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Its an age old question, I believe genetics play the biggest role here. I have used many Test E as one of the components of my cycles for 12-15 years and the hair has never been an issue. I think if your destined to lose your hair its not something you will prevent...
From everything I have read and seen, n2shampoo appears to be the real deal fellas. I think it would be worth a shot.

Hair Loss From Steroids

The guy at this site is actually reviewing it right now, near the end of his 6 week trial of it, and has nothing but positive things to say about it.