is there a such thing as


New member
a urine test for steroids other than an olympic test? from what i understand they have to be testing for a specific steroid... and that its a very expensive test to begin with... am i right and anyone know anyone else know some thing i left out?
man a friend of mine at the gym told me they sell steroid urine tests at kroger.. he said it in response to us accusing of using because hes a genetic freak so he said they sell that shit at krgr and hed prove that hes not. i didnt inquire beyond that. idk if they have it there or not or if its labeled as such if they do.

i just realized this reply doesnt help you at all so i'll end with a joke:

lock your wife and your dog in a trunk for an hour. when you open it, see which one is happy to see you. now thats loyalty right there..

Why are you worried about tests? Jobs dont test for AS. And they do not sell AS test at kroger.
They would probably look at the the test/epitest ratio. If that is off then they would probably look for specific metabolites in the urine. Higher level MMA matches may use a more indepth test but I'm not sure. It is a pricey test.
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lock your wife and your dog in a trunk for an hour. when you open it, see which one is happy to see you. now thats loyalty right there..

lmao I just told it to my wife who asked me what i was laughing at.
lol my gf's dad told me that.. i was so not ready to genuinely laugh at anything he says but that one got me rolling..

Why are you worried about tests? Jobs dont test for AS. And they do not sell AS test at kroger.

they do sell otc steroid test i saw them once advertised in a men's health mag
walgreens carries at home test.. u have to send the urine back out to the lab and then you can view the results online anonymously ... i think it's about 80 bucks and it has a list of all different steroids that will show up. i'm not sure about how mma runs their test but as a boxer we get tested every year and they do test for steriods