Is this enough gear?


New member
Is 6 amps of sustanon enough to run a cycle. Im just looking to put on 10-15 pounds before spring break.
I would pick up 14 at a minimum and run one every five days. One every four or five days will be good, shoot for that, you will also need nolva and pct, unless you want to lose everything and possibly grow tits.
jcp2 said:
I would pick up 14 at a minimum and run one every five days. One every four or five days will be good, shoot for that, you will also need nolva and pct, unless you want to lose everything and possibly grow tits.

yeah, i think he also needs to read up alot more on all this shit...
Sell the 6 amps to somebody you hate for $300 and then buy yourself a real cycle. LOL


Not enough gear bro, and please read some more and ask more questions on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use so you don't "F" yourself up.
I happen to agree with Mudge. If I were to run Sust, it would be every other day or 3 shots a week. If its your first cycle, try running some Test E or Test Cyp. at 500mg's a week for 10 weeks. You will like it better. Also score yourself some clomid and Nolva.