is this guys contest condition possible natty?


I am banned!
No.... don't go by stats, are cupped delts natural? No all those striations dry as fuck looks carved out of Stone like he belongs in a magazine. He holds too much muscle to be able to diet down hard for that low of bf not possible at all. Don't believe all theexcuses he only weighs 165 he'd be much bigger if he was on gear. There's no more true naturals bodybuilding has always been about hormones.
No.... don't go by stats, are cupped delts natural? No all those striations dry as fuck looks carved out of Stone like he belongs in a magazine. He holds too much muscle to be able to diet down hard for that low of bf not possible at all. Don't believe all theexcuses he only weighs 165 he'd be much bigger if he was on gear. There's no more true naturals bodybuilding has always been about hormones.

I was just curious :P
Im very far from experienced enough to tell if hes on gear!
I was just curious :P
Im very far from experienced enough to tell if hes on gear!

I say he's on shit he has definitely seen orals and I see tren written all over him. He's close to natural as far as he uses alot less than most people but he's not natural way to dry and chiseled he'd lose all that thickness and chest in process of getting that lean.
Yes very possible. With MCT oil. And a keto diet
I don't know DPR, he's easily 6% body fat - which takes some serious work even with AAS and cutting agents. He's not huge by any means, but he has maintained a significant amount of lean mass while cutting so low.

If he's natural, he has truly exceptional genes.
he goes to my gym thats why i asked. hes very dry in contest mode and doesnt lift heavy at all. yea hes 5'8 165 contest ready and hes 21. dam if hes running all that shit at 21
he goes to my gym thats why i asked. hes very dry in contest mode and doesnt lift heavy at all. yea hes 5'8 165 contest ready and hes 21. dam if hes running all that shit at 21

Every single guy/ trainer I've ran into that competes natty will die telling you he's natty. Gym I signed up at few years ago the manager of the trainers shows me his portfolio he's smaller than your friend was ripped had a bunch contest pics and said he was natural. He was trying to get me to sign up and said the reason I don't look like that is because I haven't been taught to eat and train.

So a year passes and my barber starts having me hook him up with tren turns out he told me it was for a friend of his that's a manager at a gym. Guess who it was? My buddy laughed when I told him the story that he said he was natural. He said that guy is on at least a gram a week. Lying is a disease in the fitness industry not that they don't have to cover it up obviously but lying is part of the game.

marc lobliner prepped his brother for a natty show and he claimed 100% natty... there is always the lies and what not though (which marc clearly does from time to time.) But this guy in the OP looks attainable natty to me. Put it this way, is it possible natty? probably, is it likely he did it the long tedious natty route? nah, but there is a chance IMO (which doesn't mean much)

edit: looking at the OP pic, I'd agree with 49er that the delts are a bit suspect, and on lobliner's brother in my post his chest striations are suspect... but who knows honestly...
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Lobliner is a filthy liar and hes a filthy liar because he needs to be in order to sell supplements. He also down Plays gear use amongst pros he vouches for all the fake natty scumbags that also promote supplements. He's just recently trying to talk about gear because he's being called out alot I don't believe shit he says, He sells biogrow lol

marc lobliner prepped his brother for a natty show and he claimed 100% natty... there is always the lies and what not though (which marc clearly does from time to time.) But this guy in the OP looks attainable natty to me. Put it this way, is it possible natty? probably, is it likely he did it the long tedious natty route? nah, but there is a chance IMO (which doesn't mean much)

edit: looking at the OP pic, I'd agree with 49er that the delts are a bit suspect, and on lobliner's brother in my post his chest striations are suspect... but who knows honestly...

Simple simple logic look at his face he looks pretty dam old to be in that condition natty..... And to top it off who's his brother? One chose gear the other didn't ha I seriously doubt it. Size does not mean anything in this sport you'd be surprised who uses hormones if Lance Armstrong used then goes to show size doesn't mean anything
Simple simple logic look at his face he looks pretty dam old to be in that condition natty..... And to top it off who's his brother? One chose gear the other didn't ha I seriously doubt it. Size does not mean anything in this sport you'd be surprised who uses hormones if Lance Armstrong used then goes to show size doesn't mean anything

I actually got in a 1 on 1 facebook argument with Marc the other day about him claiming Doug Miller is natty

this was the picture I called him out on


doug's arm is twice the size of marc and marc admits to using drugs yet claims doug just east ramen noodle and whey protein....... His only argument to me was that I'm a hater and that doug is like michael jordan of natty BBing and why don't I call out MJ for being so good and natty... (cus being good at aiming a ball in to a hoop is not the same as growing your physical body to unnatural levels maybe?) we ended on good terms but still his argument and defense of the subject is weak, but I do understand why he does it. Who the hell would buy his supps if he said the only way you can look good is with roids?
Lol at doug natty marc is scum in my eyes I don't care if it's business I don't like people that steal unknowing kids money. I don't know why but it's disgusting to me that someone like him that knows exactly what is going on can lie the way he does about people being natural it's a f****** joke
Can someone please add Mike Ohearn to the list of most hated. How the fuck do you fluctuate between 260-270lbs at 6% bf and 43-45 years old. Let me guess just TRT level test nothing less nothing more
I actually got in a 1 on 1 facebook argument with Marc the other day about him claiming Doug Miller is natty

this was the picture I called him out on


doug's arm is twice the size of marc and marc admits to using drugs yet claims doug just east ramen noodle and whey protein....... His only argument to me was that I'm a hater and that doug is like michael jordan of natty BBing and why don't I call out MJ for being so good and natty... (cus being good at aiming a ball in to a hoop is not the same as growing your physical body to unnatural levels maybe?) we ended on good terms but still his argument and defense of the subject is weak, but I do understand why he does it. Who the hell would buy his supps if he said the only way you can look good is with roids?

I can't believe someone would honestly vouch for him when it's THAT obvious. Like get the fuck out of here! What a piece of garbage.
I can't believe someone would honestly vouch for him when it's THAT obvious. Like get the fuck out of here! What a piece of garbage.

marc actually said doug is not competing at the moment and took that pic down as far as I can tell... i had to google fu it to find it. I bet I know why doug is not competing and blowing up at the same time? anyone else wanna guess? lol probably would not pass a test/10 right now and he looks just plain ridiculous to show up at a natty contest. I really hope he transitions to a not natty mode, he could compete on a serious level with the IFBB people if he really let loose chemically.

as far as Mike O'hearn goes. no crap he's not natty but again, the dude is endorsed by a lot of companies and does a lot of things that would be negatively effected by saying he's using so I don't hate the guy. I don't hate any of these dudes honestly... If that is what they have to do to live a good quality of life and do what they love all the time, then whatever... and if you're really dumb enough to think they are natty that's almost on you at that point IMO. I mean, how can you not respect O'hearn either way, just look at this guy... and at that age? how many on this forum at that age on any and all amounts of drugs could look like this and sustain it for years on years? so not being an idiot and knowing he uses, how can you not at the very least respect how hard he works?

(you're gonna have to use your imagination and pretend that melting frankenstein on the left just isn't there, my sincerest apologies)
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