Is this poitnless


New member
I will be starting my first steroid cycle soon and was wondering if taking creatine while on the cycle will also help me get bigger? Or will it be poitnless? I have been doing a lot of reading on here and decided to take nolvadex for my PCT. My other question is what is a legit place where I can get some? I don't like to just click on random ads. Please feel free to PM me with any important info. Thanks
I will be starting my first steroid cycle soon and was wondering if taking creatine while on the cycle will also help me get bigger? Or will it be poitnless? I have been doing a lot of reading on here and decided to take nolvadex for my PCT. My other question is what is a legit place where I can get some? I don't like to just click on random ads. Please feel free to PM me with any important info. Thanks

What will you be running? Test only I hope ;) Creatine is good, I don't really think its a waste but it won't really "kick" like gear will... I have however read that Anavar (var) and Creatine have a synergisitc effect when taken together.. so maybe keep that in mind down the road.