Is Z really g2g?

Hey Matt,

This link to help you get an understanding about dose options for hcg.

Here's what you'll want to start with for each 5,000iu of hcg

1) 5,000iu hcg
2) 10ml Bacteriostatic water (bac water)
3) 10ml mixing vial
4) slin pins - or 29g syringe

You can get everything other than Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from the RUI banner here at Ology - RUI is running an Easter sale - so look for their Easter Sale thread.

You can get the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from Z - which is located in the "Z labs - International - Injectables" section.

I would order no less than three 5000iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) vials (if possible) as you'll end up using it anyway - I started with seven - now I'm set for a long time - but this is an item I use as my base of every cycle - just like test.

I'll pm you a link to a video on how to mix your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - it's a very simple process.

By the way - you're in good hands with my buddy Cobra's advise. :)

You mind shooting that link my way as well. Don't know anyone who has used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but from what i read it's important to have. I just don't know what i am doing with the stuff.

You mind shooting that link my way as well. Don't know anyone who has used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but from what i read it's important to have. I just don't know what i am doing with the stuff.


I should be able to send this to you early Friday once I get back to the house - can you send me a pm as to what your cycle looks like and I'll give you a hand with the proper dose for you.

@ Matt - you won't be able to pm me until you have something like 30 posts - I'll send you a pm with my email once I get back to the house.
You serious. Me to. I split my time up there and the century three la fitness. I work out in Elizabeth and stop at that one on the way home when I'm on daylight shift.
I also wanted to get some test cyp. from Z domestic. At his site right now is shows almost everything he has domestic is OUT OF STOCK. The international stuff is all in stock. Should I just go international? I am not in a real hurry.
whats up with his domestic line? i placed an order on 4/9, had complications with WU and all but at that time domestic was in stock, i had to resend the money on 4/21 and i check site today and its out of stock. im a bit confused now.
whats up with his domestic line? i placed an order on 4/9, had complications with WU and all but at that time domestic was in stock, i had to resend the money on 4/21 and i check site today and its out of stock. im a bit confused now.
I would be too!
I got my order in & accepted before the site said he was out of stock (4-18) so I hope I still get my stuff on time.....crossing fingers!:naughty:
I sent Z a message asking him what the status of out of stock - restocking really meant. I am still awaiting a response (it's only been about 24 hours at most so far).
I placed an order and had payment received before any of this happened, but have yet to receive my products.
I am concerned that maybe there was a raid on USA labs???
i hope my last post didnt instill unnecessary paranoia in others. Like I said, I had emailed him less than 24 hour ago, and true to Z--he replied back within the past couple of hours!
my order should be shipped out by this weekend. All is well in muscleland.
I know all is fine guys I spoke with him recently and you will all be taken care of Z is the man and u have no worries his products are great quality and he has excellent customer service and I also know its easter weekend so hes probably with family like so many of us. Hang in there he will take care of all of you.
Hey guys - the last time I spoke with Z he was looking into some nice changes with the domestic line.

I know the supplier he's looking at for domestic is extremely good - but I'm not sure what the outcome was.

He was concerned as he didn't want to inconvenience any customers throughout the process - so it looks like he respectably closed the domestic section until it's fully ready to go.

If I hear of any updated I'll be sure to pass them on everyone. :)
bros are blowing up on his EU line ( eruo phamicies)

ps it only take 9 days to get to the us too!