Italian boy help me 1 cycle 12 week Serious tankiu


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Traduzione da italiano verso inglese

Hi everyone, I'm an Italian boy 34 years, I*
sorry if it will not be 'perfect my writing, I do not know*
English but use google translator, I train since I*
15 years to 25 years made the first cycle of 6 weeks, then*
I have not done anything more, for 5 years and then only slight
cycles of 4 weeks a year, 400 mg deca, 500*
text, I did so only 4 weeks and then nothing*
now I'm still from 1.5 years to cycle, I would like to*
cycle seriously or read many articles on American Forum,*
I think you Americans are the best to know a lot about*
steroids, in Italy many do not understand anything, and then*
go wrong after a few years, I would like an opinion on*
this cycle I want to do in June, 29 / 4 I*
work of bilateral gynecomastia stand still 3 weeks*
I would like to June to a cycle of 12 weeks so*
Week 1-10 - 400 mg boldenone*
Week 1-4 - 500 mg sustanon*
Week 5-6 - 250 mg sustanon*
Week 4-9 - 200/400/400/400/300/200 mg nandrolone deca*
Week 7-9 - 300 mg Primabolan*
Week 9-12 - 100/250/300/250 mg trenbolone*
Week 10-12 - 300 mg Masteron*
Week 10-12 - 150 mg winstrol*

The total doses for 12 weeks are these:*
900 / 900 / 900 / 1100 / 1050 / 1050 / 1000 / 1000 /*
1100 / 750 / 600 / mg end all*
Please ask your help and comments on this*
What cycle do you think?*
Thank you forgot weight 190 108 kg high fat 18%

Traduzione da italiano verso inglese

start with 20/40 mg nolvadex
3-12 weeks then take it for 10 weeks, then 13-15 weeks HCG, clomid,
16-18 weeks Proviron / clembuterolo
and so right? I have gynecomastia in 25 years for doing six weeks of 2000-mg steroid-free week nolvadex clomid it, due to a preparer idiot just to make a race weight, but height was 190 x 85 kg 10% fat after 8 weeks 94 kg 5 % fat, 2500 calorie diet
Sorry dianabol 1-3 week

Traduzione da italiano verso inglese

sorry forgot to put weeks or 1-3 30-40mg dianabol weeks 2 days 5 days x Out, dianabol 5 days, 2 Out x 3 weeks, dianabol not counted in mg, x weekly total and used but only the first 3 weeks to give thrust to the cycle
Traduzione da italiano verso inglese

sorry forgot to put weeks or 1-3 30-40mg dianabol weeks 2 days 5 days x Out, dianabol 5 days, 2 Out x 3 weeks, dianabol not counted in mg, x weekly total and used but only the first 3 weeks to give thrust to the cycle

is you want a goood first cycle bro and for 12 weeks just go with teste man 500mgs for 12 weeks straight if you want add some deca 400 to 600mgs a week also for 10 or 12 weeks dont use so much gear youll get better with just 12 weeks of test e alone
. .? . ? Tankiu

Traduzione da italiano verso inglese

Dexster So you advise me to do just text and 500 mg
400 nandrolone 12 weeks? Can I use sustanon?
I have 10 vials of Sustanon 250 mg, I can do 10
weeks 10 weeks and deca 200 mg 400 mg boldenone?
What would be better to say so? Thanks to all the big names of
this wonderful forum that help me in my
I also searched in order to become a big boudybilder

1-10 weeks - sustanon 250
1-10 weeks - 200 nandrolone
week 1 - 10 to 400 boldenone

so might go?
tank s boy verry good

Guys let me understand the cycle without boldenone works best? And so the bad boldenone? Yet the book "Arthur.L.Rea says that does not suppress LH, says it's slow but constant increase in strength and mass by pumping extreme quality, you say it's better to use it alone? If I do as you say deca and text, I can use as a type of testosterone sustanon? Thanks for your help ...