Its been a while....


On Vacation
Just goofing around today and thought I would snap a photo since I haven't taken any progress pics in a while. Starting to cut down for summer this week so this will be the start. Feeling better than ever actually. Something changed this year and it has really helped me concentrate. My training has been everything lately and I have really felt great about where everything is going.

So, besides my non existent hamstrings and my girly calves ( i swear I work them both), here it is. Just dropped about 10 pounds of water (thank god) that has been killing my BP. But thanks to my good friend Aromasin, all that is gone and so are 15 points off my BP.

Anyway, here they are. Sitting right around 238lbs at 5'9"
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And one more to compare. This is pretty funny. Almost ten years ago to the day this other pic was taken @ 178lbs.
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You are nearing the ever deadly combination of big, thick, AND ripped. Something I hope to achieve someday. So you are cutting right now correct? What's your target weight this time around?
LiftTillIDie said:
You are nearing the ever deadly combination of big, thick, AND ripped. Something I hope to achieve someday. So you are cutting right now correct? What's your target weight this time around?

Not really looking for a specific weight. I think i am happy with my muscle mass (although I wouldn't mind more if it happens to come about. lol), but i just wanna start keeping a leaner physique. By no means a BBer show body, just a nice lean 8-9% and still be full and strong. But if I had to guess, maybe 225lbs? Who knows???
rookie03 said:
you look great bro. what do you do when your training hams and calves?

oh yeah, thanks.

SLDLs, GMs, standing ham raises, leg curls, lean-outs.

Seated calves, standing calves.
i know your alot more advanced...but my hams never grew until i started laying on a bench face first...and having someone put a db between my feet and doing hamstring curls that i see them grow alot... just trying to help out, i know your much further in attaining your goals than i am.
rookie03 said:
i know your alot more advanced...but my hams never grew until i started laying on a bench face first...and having someone put a db between my feet and doing hamstring curls that i see them grow alot... just trying to help out, i know your much further in attaining your goals than i am.
hey bro, doesn't matter how long you been doing this, i always appreciate anyone trying to help me out.

I have tried those before, and they work. I usually will eitehr do those or the actual machine leg curls.

Honestly, i think alot of it has to do with me not stretching enough and not putting enough emphasis on them over the years. Now that I have developed some good muscle maturity, i see now where I am lacking.

Thanks for the tips bro.
LiftTillIDie said:
Are you on year round?

No, i was gonna try the self-prescribed HRT thing last year after a bad PCT, but decided to change it around. I just didn't feel right doing that myself. So basically what I am doing is every year one 4-5 month cycle from Jan-May then come off for the rest of the year. GH all year round though for maintenance (3ius maintenance/4ius during cycle).
RJH8541 said:
No, i was gonna try the self-prescribed HRT thing last year after a bad PCT, but decided to change it around. I just didn't feel right doing that myself. So basically what I am doing is every year one 4-5 month cycle from Jan-May then come off for the rest of the year. GH all year round though for maintenance (3ius maintenance/4ius during cycle).

Your physiquie is even more impressive given that you actually take time off cycle. How long have you been running GH and what changes have you noticed since you started?
RJH8541 said:
Sitting right around 238lbs at 5'9"

I bet you really look even better than your pics, which do look awesome, you are failry lean, so to be packing 238lbs on a 5-9 body, you gotta be one thick mofo for sure.

You must be lifting some awesome heavy weight I bet.
LiftTillIDie said:
Your physiquie is even more impressive given that you actually take time off cycle. How long have you been running GH and what changes have you noticed since you started?

Just started it about 2 months ago. Changes? Better sleep, not so much longer, just more well rested and recover faster. Energy levels up (first month sucked as I was lethargic as hell). Feel leaner/tighter thru the waist. That's about it for now, also feel fuller even on lower carb days.

Thanks brother.

Meso - my lifts are alright. Not a big strength guy, never have been:

Bench - 435lbs
Squat - 545lbs
Deads - 545lbs

Just try to lift heavy but stil hit the 8-10 rep range now. Good controlled movements.
good shit RJ, your looking big. Whats the deal with your left pec in the earlier photo, was one bigger than the other, how did you fix it?
inked1 said:
good shit RJ, your looking big. Whats the deal with your left pec in the earlier photo, was one bigger than the other, how did you fix it?

I can only assume you are talking about the depleted area on the lower pec portion? If so, i have a four inch scar there from a knife fight I was in (young and dumb, don't ask) when I was 18. Although, my chest has always been a weak point for my physique. This year I haev just been pounding teh shit out of it. It is finally starting to respond quite well actually. Thanks God. :goof: