Its been a while....

Looking very thick RJ, you're calves look great bro. I think if I added some mass and thickness to my legs they would look very similar to yours. Maybe one day, keep up the good work!
xclipse4 said:
lol! Meso - my lifts are alright. Not a big strength guy, never have been:

Bench - 435lbs
Squat - 545lbs
Deads - 545lbs

your lifts are alright? lol id say thats more then just alright if you ask me...nice size old are you?

32 this year. thanks again.
xclipse4 said:
lol! Meso - my lifts are alright. Not a big strength guy, never have been:

Bench - 435lbs
Squat - 545lbs
Deads - 545lbs

your lifts are alright? lol id say thats more then just alright if you ask me...nice size old are you?

Yeah! Exactly! Shoot! I am still working on getting into the 300's benching! Very strong dude!

By the way xclipse, I am impressed with your results in your thread also, one of biggest natty's I have ever seen. I was chuckling when you wanted to crush a few heads when they called you a fat head, sound like you would be a damn cool dude hit the gym with and hang out with for sure.
xclipse4 said:
hey us eem 2 know ur shit about juicing.. so i have question... if u wanted 2 gain size.. i hear and read all the time most used is test.. which is obvious 1... but what would b the best way 2 go... 2 gain size...and not look like a fukin chipmunk...and stilll b cut at same time...?

You must mean that smooth full of water look, or loosing your definition?

Water retention isn't too bad on moderate amounts of test, excessive amounts increase water retention. Test doesn't cause you to retain much water anyhow. A few orals like dbol do that.

As far as putting on quality mass, it has to do a lot with proper diet. From what you have already achieved, it looks like you already understand what works best for you. With gear, if you already have your workouts & diet in order, you don't generally have to change too much.

I realize you were looking for RJH8541's reply here, & hope he does, cuzz I am curious what he has to say myself.
mesomorph said:
You must mean that smooth full of water look, or loosing your definition?

Water retention isn't too bad on moderate amounts of test, excessive amounts increase water retention. Test doesn't cause you to retain much water anyhow. A few orals like dbol do that.

As far as putting on quality mass, it has to do a lot with proper diet. From what you have already achieved, it looks like you already understand what works best for you. With gear, if you already have your workouts & diet in order, you don't generally have to change too much.

I realize you were looking for RJH8541's reply here, & hope he does, cuzz I am curious what he has to say myself.

Good post meso.

IMO, bloating, as well as other sides are caused by several things. Yes, test can cause water retention, acne, etc. But most of that is due to uneven blood serum levels, that is why it is so important to keep them stable.

Although, each individual is different. I know guys who can 1g of test a week and not get any bloat. Me? I can bloat anything over 500mg/w. I usally take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during my cycle (my choice is Aromasin), and this keeps the bloat down, which also keeps the BP down as well.

As meso said, a clean diet with the addition of the above will help to keep you looking lean while gaining LBM, but remember you won't be gaining the 15-20lbs you normally would while truly 'bulking'.

What most fail to realize is this. Most will say I gained 20lbs on this cycle and only lost 6lbs when I came off, so I must have gained 14lbs of lean mass right? WRONG! Alot of that was fat and water. Most people don't realize just how much 1lb of lean body mass actually is. this is where a proper BF check is in order. I am happy, since I don't really 'bulk' anymore in the sense that I just try to gain as much weight as possible, if I can gain and keep 3-5lbs of LBM each cycle. That to me is a great gain on the body without asking it to keep an enourmous amount of weight after you come off.

Hope this helps.
xclipse4 said:
ya.. i get ya.. and i kno.. what u mean by.. how people dont really understand how much 1lb of lean muscle is...5lbs like u said is def great if ne1 was 2 ever start it...test is what u would take with aromasin like u said...

Yep. I would never suggest a cycle without test to anyone. Now, can it be done? Of course. But test is best IMO for all around gains. Besides Tren, but I wouldn't do that by itself.
xclipse4 said:
cool ...isnt tren used for cutting as well?

it can be used for both. What's great about Tren is its many benefits:

1. Can actually burn fat
2. Stay harder and leaner while bulking
3. Excellent in a calorie-deficient diet

It is hard on the body compared to other AAS, but not so much IMO that it should not be taken. Tren is my fav Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) out there now, but again, I would never use it without test.
Impressive Impressive Impressive. All I have to say bro. Keep doin what you are doin.
You are where I want to be in 5 years from now.
lionhead said:
Impressive Impressive Impressive. All I have to say bro. Keep doin what you are doin.
You are where I want to be in 5 years from now.

thanks brother.

xclipse4 - its hard to say, but if you eat right and train right, that is possible for sure... the former being more possible than the latter.
You got a physique similair to mine but I am about 6'2. What BF% you at now?
CJ01 said:
You got a physique similair to mine but I am about 6'2. What BF% you at now?

Hell I don't know. Maybe 12%, not really sure. The calipers say 12.5 the last time I did them but they are always off. I think it would be safe saying that % is prolly fine. Not that I care anyway. lol