Its time to bulk!!! 3J's Nutrition Network


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Tis the season to be bulking, la la la la laaaa, la la la shit i cant sing. Guys, summer is over (well for those of you who are north of the equator it is) and its time to add that lean mass you have been looking for! Now, i know what your thinking; Jesus i dont want to get fat! But why get fat? Let me explain something about body recomposition.

"Recomping" or the loss fat fat and the gain of muscle at the same time is the holy grail of bodybuilding. Everyone wants to recomp!!! Imagine adding muscle and having your 6-pack come out!! But what is the science behind recomping, how does it work?

There is a simple theory of recomping consisting of the strong correlation between your metabolism and your lean body mass. The idea is to give your body just enough caloric intake to build muscle. As the body builds muscle its specific metabolic caloric needs increase. Simply put, the more muscle you put on, the more you have to eat to maintain that muscle. Makes sense right? If that weren't the case we would all be eating 2000 calories a day looking like we belonged on the front cover of a mens health magazine.

Now, what type of dieting is best for recomping? In my personal opinion, the best way to recomp is to carb cycle. The characteristics of carb cycling seem to statistically have a stronger benefit to recomping than any other form of diet philosophy. Take our friend in the picture above, for reasons of privacy i will call him Gabe. Gabe came to me with two specific goals in mind; he wanted to drop bodyfat and gain muscle at the same time. But he questioned whether or not it was possible. After reviewing Gabe's stats I told him his goals were well within his reach and we started on a modified carb cycle approach. The modified carb cycle diet is a philosophy I came up for myself years ago to try and tackle this very issue of gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time.

Its time guys. Get yourself together, put away the swim suit. Put on the sweater, start eating to grow, and get in the gym!!!

3J's Nutrition Network is committed to one thing, YOUR GOALS!!!! We have a list of packages for everyones personal needs. Whether you want to cut, bulk, or recomp 3J's Nutrition Network will take you to the next level. Dont wait and waste your time on worthless supplements and guess made choices in food! Let 3J plan and supervise your nutrition, workout routine, cardio routine, and supplement routine!!


CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

Been lurking in these forums for awhile now and learned a few things from reading your posts/threads. If and when my finances are finally in order I hopin to get some of your help 3J. Been doing well but would love to take it to the next level. Thanks for passing the knowledge around! Much appreciated!
Hey 3j! For the past 6+ weeks I' ve been loving my increased energy, fat-loss, strength/muscle gain, feel-good-dedication, re-found muscles, and overall well-being thanks to your well planned carb-cycling diet. Dropped from 15,5 bf to 11.9 bf in, what now seems like, no time. Carb cycling was definitely the best choice for me, with the diet/meal plan & workouts you prepared. I'm determined to get to 10bf or less with by the time our time is over...this time around, at least. Of all the diets I've been on over the years, this is the first where I continued to get stronger and gain muscle while actually seeing the muscles cut and grow.

80% of it is DIET