Jeff Seid Look What to run?


New member
5 10 200 lbs 14%

Gonna try to get to 205 at 10-11% bf and start cutting at the beginning of february. I want that year round shredded look Jeff has. I was thinking aboutt 2wk on/2wk off clen cycle tapering up and a 1-2 day taper down on days 13 and 14 with a max dose of 120 mcg. Let me know if you think with a good diet and cardio I can get down to 7 ish.

Thank you
Eat Jeff Seid and absorb his genetic code.

I really hope you understand that you will never look like him. Sure, you can attain a physique similar, but that would no longer be the "Jeff Seid" look, it would be the "YOU at 7% body fat look".

Set a smaller goal first like 10% BF and see how you feel. It's a tremendous amount of work and effort to get that far, not to mention maintaining it. 7% is even harder without professional assistance, but is doable if the desire is strong enough.

I don't think clen is the answer, but definitely mastering your diet is. I would start there in the diet section, and then look at the drugs if progression ceases or plateaus.

My .02c :)
Okay thank you for the replies. And yeah I understand Jeff Seid is a genetic freak. But mainly just want popping abs and veins. Maybe even 8%
5 10 200 lbs 14%

Gonna try to get to 205 at 10-11% bf and start cutting at the beginning of february. I want that year round shredded look Jeff has. I was thinking aboutt 2wk on/2wk off clen cycle tapering up and a 1-2 day taper down on days 13 and 14 with a max dose of 120 mcg. Let me know if you think with a good diet and cardio I can get down to 7 ish.

Thank you
With just diet and clen alone it is possible to get down to around 7%, but without test and other gear to maintain lean mass you'll be 7% and 180lbs or less, not 200...

Maintaining a bf% of around 7 year-round is very unlikely and not comfortable... set an achievable goal like being 10% or slightly less, and give yourself time to achieve it, 6 months is reasonable