Joined the club 2nd pin today. Test cyp 250mg


New member
This is my first cycle

Okay I'm on my second week. Sorry meant to start last week, relocated to another house, no Internet for a week. Ne ways
Stats are
Height 68
Wt 190
Bf 12%
Test cyp 250mg once a week
Have arimedix on hand just in case
PCT will be nolva and maybe add clomid

First week pin was easier than i thought, ran syringe through hot water to thin oil out. Made sure no water got on the pin.

25g needle Glute shot on right side, last week was left. Still a little sore, did legs today to disperse the juice!!!
Warmed up with leg ext. 2 sets of 15 lightweight

Squats 3x10 1x8
Leg press 3x10 1x8
Lunges 3 x10
Hack squats hammer machine 3x10
Lying leg curls 3x10
Heavy leg ext to finish off 3x8
Legs are toast, barely could walk outside!!

I'll let u know tommorw, I got back!!
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Day 2 2nd week

Feeling good and did back today. Eating like crazy, healthy chickenamd fish

Pullups 3 sets 10
Bent overe rows 2x10 1x8 1x6
Lat lulldowns 3X10 1X8
Cg rev pulldowns 3x8
Hammer machine row 3x8 1x6
Hyper ext 3x12
Straight arm pulldowns-to hit the Lats. Burnout. 3 sets of 15
No test

No test? And 250 mg once a week isn't going to do much. You need at least 500 mg per week. Check out other peoples cycles.