Wow sorry guys haven't been up to date with this after week 13. I ended up doing 13 weeks, and now almost done with 2 weeks being off. I ended the 13 weeks at 256lbs. My strength levels were unbelievable on pretty much all my lifts. I'm still training with a lot of intensity because i'm telling myself not to think about the strength loss or loss in weight. But i have come down to 251lbs and my strength has come down a little as well.
Luckly the only sides i've encounterd are some acne on my shoulders and some extra body hair lol.
My last shot was July 7th, and i will be starting my pct this upcomming monday july 25th, which gave me 18days inbetween. Which i think is a sufficient amount of time.
My pct will consist of the following: Nolva 20/20/10/10/10 clomid 50/50/50/50