Joint pain need help........

I'd check out Skeletal balm and the pain Pain Relief stack,I've been using skeletal balm for years for pain an its still working great.I have a bum elbow an other pains so this stuff gets me through workouts an whenever pain comes up

Pain Relief stack
I'd check out Skeletal balm and the pain Pain Relief stack,I've been using skeletal balm for years for pain an its still working great.I have a bum elbow an other pains so this stuff gets me through workouts an whenever pain comes up

Pain Relief stack
Will let my buddy know he's got options thanks mich29
So the best joint supplement I've found on the market is Core Flex by Core Nutritionals. Easily has the best profile out of all of them
I've tried glucosamine, chondroitin, msm, and collagen in the past (individually). However, they didn't do much for me. Peer review research studies show a placebo or very moderate effect at best

I have yet to find a magic pill. Your best best would be to look above and below a joint to find out what's causing the pain. For example, with chronic knee pain, the pain should be seen as a signal that something is wrong (not the cause). One must look above (hips) and below (ankle) the joint. If you hips lack mobility and/or your ankles, the knee starts to become sloppy in order to compensate (a knee is supposed to stabilize). Spend a little time researching, figure out what is causing the pain and start rehabing and prehabing your body. Just like automobiles, human beings also need maintenance.
I've tried glucosamine, chondroitin, msm, and collagen in the past (individually). However, they didn't do much for me. Peer review research studies show a placebo or very moderate effect at best

That's my take on any glucosamine/chondroitin supplement I've ever taken, as well. I have a pretty nasty case of osteoarthritis and many years ago when first diagnosed my doc recommended giving the G/C combo a shot. Over the years I have spent hundreds of dollar of various G/C supplements and taken them for long stretches (I once took a specific supplement for a solid year) and have never had an ounce of benefit from doing so. For my body and from my experience glucosamine/chondroitin is an absolute waste of money.

You want pain relief in an over the counter supplement for OA pain? It really doesn't exist. Have your buddy look up "pentosan". It's not sold in the US and isn't FDA approved but it's not a controlled substance like AAS, either. It is the only thing that has brought me any measure of moderate relief short of narcotics.