jon jones steroid levels..... what r they exactly ??? lol

It just means diluted. He was very hydrated when he took the test.

They are implying that he watered down his urine to try to dilute any metabolites or by products in his urine. I did the same thing in wrestling. He's definitely shut down from anabolics. The highest level in most sports use anabolics, not for building but for recovery and injury prevention/healing.
Month before levels are lower than normal
2 weeks away and whoa wtf happened lol
look at all 3 charts..... hmmmmmm

Pic: Jon Jones UFC drug test results released, include 'watery' sample and shrinking T/E levels -

I've heard from a pretty good source that the UFC drug testing is a fcking joke, and they get other people to piss for them, etc.....I guess it's pretty weak. well most of them look like they use hgh to me. they are all leaned out but tits pointing and stuck out all the time. partially diet and training, but there is hgh in there, make no mistake. take a look at GSP. :)
They are implying that he watered down his urine to try to dilute any metabolites or by products in his urine. I did the same thing in wrestling. He's definitely shut down from anabolics. The highest level in most sports use anabolics, not for building but for recovery and injury prevention/healing.

This means he downed a bunch of water before he took the test. That's how you dilute your urine. Not by actually pouring water from the faucet into the urine is that's what you are saying...
UFC claims he is NOT on anything at all considering his LOW E/T ratio on Dec 18th....but what about the 4th.
why andro levels sky high???

EPItestosterone maybe????
I live in albq nm where most top MMA fighters and Bones trains; I see a lot of them at the gym; a lot of them are on HGH and prob test suspension or prop due to half lives; also like said earlier UFC drug tests are crap
lol too watery to test: to dilute a urine takes alot of water for a lil more than a full day, what the determining factor is, would be his creatinine. (not creatine) . to be untestable would have to be by standard under 20. a normal male is around 160 and up. depending mainly on how much exercise, red meat and protein intake, females just slightly under...mass plays a slight factor also , the bigger the higher but only by a couple points... to get a real baseline creatinine level one would need (if i remembr crctly) at least 48 hrs of urines starting with the first mornings
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if Jon jones is a regular coke user, he's gonna give himself a heart attack with the training and fighting cardio. man, dangerous ground there.
Most all the athletes in ufc have tested positive for something, go look at the positive tests its ridicules
I've heard from a pretty good source that the UFC drug testing is a fcking joke, and they get other people to piss for them, etc.....I guess it's pretty weak. well most of them look like they use hgh to me. they are all leaned out but tits pointing and stuck out all the time. partially diet and training, but there is hgh in there, make no mistake. take a look at GSP. :)

they are selective in their testing/ enforcement depending on who the athlete is. dana white is a scumbag
not to change the subject... but tyron woodley is put together i just naturally assume that he is on growth and aas probably especially being able to get to his fighting weight at 170. any opinions?