Juced and Jimi Talk Juice....

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Raloxifene is great for gyno but not so much for post cycle therapy (pct). While it does induce test production in studies it has only shown an increase in T levels in the twenty percents. This pales in comparison to clomid,tamox and torem so while is an awesome serm for gyno treatment it is my last choice for pct.
True. This is because all the serms are metabolized through the cytochrome p450 pathway and end up with poweful metabolites such as tamoxifen to endoxifen. Ralox is the only one that does not metabolize through the this pathway. It's metabolism is still unclear to a degree, but there will hopefully be news soon about this. I think Ralox has a chance in the game but only when coupled with the right compound. Hopefully I'll have more info soon.
True. This is because all the serms are metabolized through the cytochrome p450 pathway and end up with poweful metabolites such as tamoxifen to endoxifen. Ralox is the only one that does not metabolize through the this pathway. It's metabolism is still unclear to a degree, but there will hopefully be news soon about this. I think Ralox has a chance in the game but only when coupled with the right compound. Hopefully I'll have more info soon.

I know this is regarding what you talked about previously and I must admit I'm excited to see your results!
True. This is because all the serms are metabolized through the cytochrome p450 pathway and end up with poweful metabolites such as tamoxifen to endoxifen. Ralox is the only one that does not metabolize through the this pathway. It's metabolism is still unclear to a degree, but there will hopefully be news soon about this. I think Ralox has a chance in the game but only when coupled with the right compound. Hopefully I'll have more info soon.

CYP450 is chiefly responsible for the synthesis of steroidogenesis as far as I know. Am I wrong in thinking that a deficiency in this pathway can play a role in hypogonadism and conversely, enabling elevated levels may possibly increase endogenous steroidogenesis? Kind of like that thread from a while back about CYP3A4 inhibitors and dbol metabolism?
CYP450 is chiefly responsible for the synthesis of steroidogenesis as far as I know. Am I wrong in thinking that a deficiency in this pathway can play a role in hypogonadism and conversely, enabling elevated levels may possibly increase endogenous steroidogenesis? Kind of like that thread from a while back about CYP3A4 inhibitors and dbol metabolism?

Yes, from Cholesterol side-chain cleavage. Another reason to use hCG on cycle.

Plays a role, yes. But complications here rarely lead to hypogonadism. Makes things worse for sure. Lots of Low T symptoms share similarities with issues in this block.
Maybe in 6 months... Just don't want to do anything that might lessen the chances of my swimmers going on a total vacation, if they haven't already.

Yes i will be providing the sample in a cup :) Dam i get a good laugh out of this site some times....

Yes you are correct, there is very little studies been conducted on AAS users. I have found a few published articles at my university, however nothing recent or any new findings as such to contradict any reliable information found on this site. However, i believe from reading some of Austins posts, i have learnt that you need to dig a little deeper.. As with most research.
I would start low-med dose of clomid 2months before trying to have baby then. if you get the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) then sure toss it in there at a low dose for 1-2 months IMO. there is MANY ways people say to use HCG, so you will find MANY ways people say "this is how you do it" but i rec 1-2 months off Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on clomid when actually trying to have baby. IMO
I would hate to think anyone was going to be blasting such a small dose just to find out.. :)

My interest is generated by the fact that i see so many first timers on this forum take their first shot and then decide it is not for them and ask if PCT would be required. The advise often given is No.
I wonder to my self if they would in fact have completely shut down from 1 shot of sus 250 for example, and would benefit from a PCT...

I say no pct for these cases. because "IMO" even if it shut them down from 1 or 2 shots it was not shut down very long. I feel DURATION of shut down can play a big role in recovery. why i dont even rec Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for most avrg - short cycles, but always do for super long ones or any using many compounds also.
So realistically, someone on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) would more than likely have to up their weekly dose due to partial shutdown? Original dose wouldn't "cut it" anymore so to speak?

no this makes no sense at all. people on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) accept the shut down, go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to raise there test levels for healthy normal amounts (and further shut them selves down, if they were not at total shut down already). and thats it..
thats what testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is. you move away from relying on your body for test and add your own. there IS no added dose of test or SERM because it would be pointless, unless trying to have kids and wanting the help. IMO
I say no pct for these cases. because "IMO" even if it shut them down from 1 or 2 shots it was not shut down very long. I feel DURATION of shut down can play a big role in recovery. why i dont even rec Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for most avrg - short cycles, but always do for super long ones or any using many compounds also.

Ahhh, yes i see... Good to see you back Pokchop, you went a little quiet for a while there... I have always valued your advise :)
Si Juced lets talk cycles? Are you on now? If so what are you running? If not what are you gonna run next? I saw you said you are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so do you do short blasts or regular length cycles?
Can it be broken down to what dosage?

Not really as that is highly individualistic. As soon as you inject any amount into your system, suppression begins. If you inject 25mg your body will alter endogenous production to compensate for this added hormone. If you inject 500mg your body will alter production again and I crease aromatization to compensate as well. The body is all about finding balance/homeostasis and anything outside it's natural state is not "in balance" and thus different mechanisms will take over to bring it back in.
Si Juced lets talk cycles? Are you on now? If so what are you running? If not what are you gonna run next? I saw you said you are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so do you do short blasts or regular length cycles?

using 900mg teste ew for a 22 weeker ( I am on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), I do not rec longer cycles like this to others that do pct or have any health issues, I rec 14ush week cycles to others mostly, depending on cycle history and general exp). I may add in 100-200mg deca ew to it .

I like to do normal to long cycles when not on hrt.
I was never a fan of short cycles or most short esters personally.

wk1-22 800-1g test ew
wk10-22 200mg deca ew
* might add* wk15-22 60-80mg anavar ed

AI : Dex or letro ( got both, will be switching from Letro to Dex this week since I have a bunch of Dex I got from RUI.)
using 900mg teste ew for a 22 weeker ( I am on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), I do not rec longer cycles like this to others that do pct or have any health issues, I rec 14ush week cycles to others mostly, depending on cycle history and general exp). I may add in 100-200mg deca ew to it .

I like to do normal to long cycles when not on hrt.
I was never a fan of short cycles or most short esters personally.

wk1-22 800-1g test ew
wk10-22 200mg deca ew
* might add* wk15-22 60-80mg anavar ed

AI : Dex or letro ( got both, will be switching from Letro to Dex this week since I have a bunch of Dex I got from RUI.)

Nice cyle. Im sure you will do really well. Given your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) status i understand the longer run. Makes sense. How far into cycle are you and how is it going?
using 900mg teste ew for a 22 weeker ( I am on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), I do not rec longer cycles like this to others that do pct or have any health issues, I rec 14ush week cycles to others mostly, depending on cycle history and general exp). I may add in 100-200mg deca ew to it .

I like to do normal to long cycles when not on hrt.
I was never a fan of short cycles or most short esters personally.

wk1-22 800-1g test ew
wk10-22 200mg deca ew
* might add* wk15-22 60-80mg anavar ed

AI : Dex or letro ( got both, will be switching from Letro to Dex this week since I have a bunch of Dex I got from RUI.)

Oh you champ! The last 20+ week cycle kicked my butt. I don't think I'll be doing that again, although it was quite resultful. Adding deca sounds like fun, though!
Nice cyle. Im sure you will do really well. Given your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) status i understand the longer run. Makes sense. How far into cycle are you and how is it going?

at the posted dose only about 4 weeks, so things are just starting to show. increase in pumps, libido is always high on or off cycle so cant really comment on that. I am using some EP line teste and cyp to mic with the AML test400 I got, its a perfect combo. the t400 is actually one of the smoothest I have used, but still with a lil pip, but mixed with a small amount of testcyp EP it makes it pretty much smooth. I can pin quad and still walk the next day! lol

at this point I will be packing in some extra food daily and making sure my workouts are a lil extra heavy, i only workout 2-3 times a week and i feel this works very well giving time to recover and grow.
i sometimes will feel a workout for 3 or 4 days after! even on cycle! so they are pretty heavy at times. how i like it.
Yesterday I had a "crappy by my standards" bicep workout and im still feeling ti today, i LOVE that day after pain! >:-d

How do you normally run your cycles? do you like short bursts or longer ones?
don't mean to thread jack but hey juiced, i plan on starting a peptide cycle, should i start now since i won't see results till' later on or would u advise me to wait until im off cycle (4weeks left)
Oh you champ! The last 20+ week cycle kicked my butt. I don't think I'll be doing that again, although it was quite resultful. Adding deca sounds like fun, though!

yeah its long lol but i seem to do very well on high test cycles +AI. just some mild acne ( now anyway was bad when i started) and i need ot watch estrogen, but Aromatase inhibitor (AI) works great for it.
i should also add about mid way in cycles like this i take 2-3 weeks of lighter workouts, sometimes even just take a whole week off, and then go back to super heavy.
I also change up how I do each type/muscle area workout every 1-2 weeks, to keep the body guessing.
BIG mistake people make is doing the same workouts week to week, things stall and your body adapts ( not good when talking about building muscle)

how long do you normally run your cycles?
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