Juice-dr.com, curious to see if they are legit.


New member
Just curious if anyone has ever gotten a order from these guys. More or less I am curious about the Clen and if its real or not. Thanks!
no idea. check out rui the sponsor above they are good. man i hate the idea of clenbuterol for you. waste imo and has risk. not necessary but whatever

Search fat loss drugs in the diet forum, lots of sides and any fat loss can be done with proper diet... Unless your very experienced and training for competitions i don't see the need for it.
First day back was a success for sure. The diet is gonna take some work over the next few days. I hit the store tomorrow usually to pick up my meals for the week so I'll be sticking to the outside ring of the store for sure.

I'm not sure for my body type if I'll ever drop to that 8% BF that was spoken about in the other forum. Doing a little looking around I just see a lot of success coming from the use of Clen for dropping weight.

For now the clen will be on hold and I am going to stick to the plan.

Thanks guys.