Juice in the movies.


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Juice in Movies

God it just makes me so mad, I just got home from the gym and was eating my can of tuna and i turn on the t.v. and on cinemax there's like the substitute 2 or 3 on right. And well this one was about him busting down on steroids being distrubuted in crap at this college school, and it's so unrealistic how they depict this stuff. They show this guy who's sitting there benching out like endless reps with 185 on bench (heh) well maybe not endless but because of the "steroids" he is able to drive himself hard enough that he kills himself right there on the bench when the weight comes down on him...i'm like wtf??? Ahhh with all the little comments in other recent movies lately it pisses me off too like in the recent 007, swim fan, and it's a guy thing. aw well what are your guys opinions?
They just whant to scare people.... Just like this guy that was on my school lecturing us about aas. It came out so much crap out of his mouth you tought is was a toilett... I confronted him with my agruments and later his wasen´t so tough.
it was the substitue 3. it was a very bad depiction of steroids. and the fucking scene were the kid dies is another thing that pisses me off. how many people do not know how to let the weight slip off the bar.
Re: Juice in Movies

x2buff4ux said:
God it just makes me so mad, I just got home from the gym and was eating my can of tuna and i turn on the t.v. and on cinemax there's like the substitute 2 or 3 on right. And well this one was about him busting down on steroids being distrubuted in crap at this college school, and it's so unrealistic how they depict this stuff. They show this guy who's sitting there benching out like endless reps with 185 on bench (heh) well maybe not endless but because of the "steroids" he is able to drive himself hard enough that he kills himself right there on the bench when the weight comes down on him...i'm like wtf??? Ahhh with all the little comments in other recent movies lately it pisses me off too like in the recent 007, swim fan, and it's a guy thing. aw well what are your guys opinions?

Funny, I posted about the same movie yesterday over at elite. That movie is the corniest, queerest thing Ive seen. Its pretty comical to watch especially when the substitute is telling the class why they shouldnt take juice one of the reasons he gave was bad breath.
if only these assholes would start telling the truth.[ not abused ]steriods do great things for your body. everything in moderation
house1 said:
if only these assholes would start telling the truth.[ not abused ]steriods do great things for your body. everything in moderation

If you're looking for truth and rewsality in movies, you're going to be sorely disapponted. Controversy and fantasy make the money and that's all that Hollywood is concerened with.
hillbilly21 said:
it was the substitue 3. it was a very bad depiction of steroids. and the fucking scene were the kid dies is another thing that pisses me off. how many people do not know how to let the weight slip off the bar.

Do you mean he supposedly suffocated? That in itself is an instant crock of shit, I can do a situp with 185 thats a bunch of bullshit.
a movie about a guy who doesn't have bad things happen to him from steroids or any drugs wouldn't be that entertaining. People love to see drama even if it perptuates a myth.
research before you make a movie...ASSHOLES

Whats even more hilarious is the fact the dealer, I think his name is tony larusso? Is a skinny little bitch. Now I dont know many people who sell, But I have a feeling as though they might juice themselves; ya know, looking in your closet seeing a few hundred amps of ICN and Organon. Shit, give me a break. anyway, As some of you know, You need to have a lot of schooling to be a college professor and that one depicted there acts like a little bitch too. "I cant keep doing this, But if I stop, well you saw what they did to that man they killed him." Acts like one he, w/ a PHD can turn a powder into an injectable. As the story continues the black guy takes one of the kids vials and gives it to Treat Williams (the substitute) but he throws the vial just fast enough so you cant read the label. that pisses me off.
Man Bathgate that poster really scared me. Especially the shocking lack of muscularity that guy had along with the nasty side affects.
Uf, the anti-steroid poster scared the shit out of me !!!
I think I'll quit everything.
And become a... :druggie:

C ya bros.
If they showed a buff ass dude in high school doing roids, side effects or not some kids would try them LoL
Systema said:
a movie about a guy who doesn't have bad things happen to him from steroids or any drugs wouldn't be that entertaining. People love to see drama even if it perptuates a myth.

Yep, unrelated movie subject, but the Kevin Mitnick story was total bullshit. No matter how much you protest the TRUTH, the media will do whatever the fuck they way, even if it totally screws up someones real life image.