Juiced Up!


Not sure if this has been posted before. But i was flipping through a people magazine today and came across an article entitled "Juiced Up". This article is riddled with false statements about steroids. I see this becoming an ongoing trend in the media lately. The article claims that steroids cause heart disease, infertility, organ damage, and the "uncontrollable aggression, known as "roid rage"". It is absolutely ridiculous. The article focuses around testosterone, specifically Enanthate. I think if you guys want a god laugh go check out the article, it is utterly disgusting.

How many motherfucker die from cigarette every year? How many from steroids? It's funny that one thing that is infintely more dangerous, yet people act like steroids are poison for your body.
For one thing, steroid related aggression won't happen to begin with unless you have a disposition towards aggression. Same with hair loss - if it's not in your genetics to go bald, steroids aren't going to do it for you.

Typical to hear this kind of thing though. I'm not surprised.
The gear is to help your body build a better structure not destroy it. Yet, if taken out of realistic terms in dosage then you have a problem. Although, some aggression with androgens occur (especially Halo) it is more psychological then anything else. Shit people get shot, stabbed, robbed, attacked, and they are aggressive so that means they take the gear to huh.

Its all about self control and the media is feeding off a few idiots and want to say that taking OTC supps are a better choice for getting big results and that is a bunch of crap. The media can kiss my injected ass...

This is the Big Supp Comapanies against UG & Pharm. Comapanies.

On another note if you say you are natural then does it mean that you do not take creatine, Pro-hormones, etc. Because if you take these products then you are not natural because you are adding a product not really made in abundant in the body just like the real gear.

My .03 cents fuck it make it my .05 cents. Haha:afro:
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I personally feel that i am hot tempered naturally, i didnt notice any extraordinary aggression when cycling. I agree, there should be a lot more emphasis on alcohol and cigarette issues, it is quite obvious they they pose a much greater danger to society than steroids do. Since i have been cycling, my diet has been perfect, my training perfect, ive never been this healthy in my life. Granted my doses are very moderate and i follow proper post cycle therapy (pct) and what not. This article is such bullshit, it even goes on to give signs for parents to look out for. Some of which are acne on back, interest in bodybuilding web sites, buying a lot of supplements, mood swings, falloff in schoool???, and cant get away from the mirror. haha. What do steroids have to do with school, i cycle and am a A-B stuent across the board, i just dont get this crap.

NYCEE said:
Not sure if this has been posted before. But i was flipping through a people magazine today and came across an article entitled "Juiced Up". This article is riddled with false statements about steroids. I see this becoming an ongoing trend in the media lately. The article claims that steroids cause heart disease, infertility, organ damage, and the "uncontrollable aggression, known as "roid rage"". It is absolutely ridiculous. The article focuses around testosterone, specifically Enanthate. I think if you guys want a god laugh go check out the article, it is utterly disgusting.


all it does is stop the uneducated in taking roids, which is what we want isnt it?? people always ask me aout steroids, "which i dont openly admit to use, but know certain people that do" cough, and i set them staright unless they are just a thjug/crim/scumbag then i just tell em it shrinks dicks and takes away hair
I think I read this artical but I wouldnt be surprised if it was an entirly differant one. I think I saw it in flex. Every BB in there is juiced up and they are criticizing people who juice.
IMHO, this is somewhat of a good thing. This will keep some uneducated kid (hell, even adult) from going out here and taking tons of juice on top of their rec drugs and god knows what else...die..and then they blame the roids..this way...it might scar them.

Let them publish an article saying that IT will KILL YOU and all this shit. I can promise that it would make a better name for most that use them...in some way or fashion...
I also forgot to add, our local news crew did a story on roids....it was pretty funny. The people they had (blurred out and changed their voice) were about 160-175 at the most...had really no def. either...and there were talking about how they had to quit cause they were always getting in fights at school, and blah blah...everyone at the gym was watching it just dying laughing..