JuiceMonkeyz First Mega Cycle (with progress pics) (Test E, Tren, Sust, Win, Mast)

about 7 years ago I did 2 cycles- 1 of just sust, and one of deca and test e.

just curious to why you say im not ready?

A few reasons. First, ideally you would want less body fat before you start. Second, although AAS will help you, it would benefit you more if you had gotten back to some what of your form was when you were training harder.

Lastly, I feel like its a little much as far as the amount of AAS you are using this cycle. You do have experience, s but it has been a while. Test for 12 to 14 weeks with some anavar in there somewhere would probably be a better choice considering where you are at.
By the way, I think you have a good plan, just think you could progress with it even more if you would have trained natty for a bit and got consistent with a solid diet.
I dont get it??? Phase 1, then phase 2? so you are running phase 1 for 12 weeks then 8 weeks after tren and test 400? for pahse 2? then phase 3? This seems like you have picked every steroid from the book and are using them all to try and get some hulk like transformation?? thats a lotta juice to run for somebody of your experience... Even a pro bodybuilder Would know you dont need all of those mixes... really odd looking cycle
hummm, every steroid in the book- not really, u know there are many more out there. Simply the most decent, with the safest rep (tren excluded). It is simple. A moderate Bulking phase, a larger bulking phase, followed by cutting phase. Hulk like?, I know that is not realistic, but decent gains as well as decreased BF I think would be more realistic. I know for a first cycle in many years it may seem long in duration, but I have very healthy organs. Its interesting you say a pro BB would say that considering my trainer, plus a friend who is a pro BB actually suggested it. With proper monitoring for gyno issues, as well as Post cycle therapy, it will be a safe cycle.

I think the major thing that some are struggling with because you feel the cycle is too intense, is that you don't know me personally. When I set my mind to something, nothing can stop me, and I get addicted very fast to things that are going well. Thus, once I see results, I will be hooked. I am also quite extreme in many aspects of things, so this serves as one of my strengths. Dont worry, I will make use of the cycle, and have the supports in place to make sure I am successful.

Thanks tho for the comments tho. Anything positive? :P

Strange a pro reccomending all that for you, Forget about joints, from those photos your cholesterol would be something to worry about.. for somebody that doesnt eat meat you carry a lot of unwanted weight, and how about immune system? either way its your body good luck
yea bro. i get ur time constraints. but i also think ur jumping into too much too fast. you can do much less, save money and get same results in regard to ur current body composition. in my opinion your trainer should be pushing more diet and getting back into training for now, while introducing mild cycles to build upon. Really dude...its just another birthday!
Your setting yourself up for failure in every aspect, considering using all this gear at once. A test, d or tbol, and maybe some Anavar (var) with a functional DIET...will yeild great results. You haven't cycled in 7 years...might.as well be your first cycle again. You sound like the type who will become physically, mentally, emotionally addicted. Your "dead set serious " comment might take you down a dark road quickly.
I think the major thing that some are struggling with because you feel the cycle is too intense, is that you don't know me personally.

We don't need to know you to know that you are in way over your head with this cycle.

When I set my mind to something, nothing can stop me, and I get addicted very fast to things that are going well.

Addiction is not a positive quality.

Thus, once I see results, I will be hooked. I am also quite extreme in many aspects of things, so this serves as one of my strengths. Dont worry, I will make use of the cycle, and have the supports in place to make sure I am successful.

Being extreme is not a strength. It means you lack control.

Good luck boss.
I can tell you dont know much about vegetarians. Just because I dont eat meat, does not mean that I should be lean. Usually veggies eat a lot of carbs to compensate for such- that combined with processed foods creates a lot of energy that is not spent. Having a high protein diet naturally for vegetarians is difficult because usually the protien we have has carbs. That combined with the fact that i love cheese, created the body u see in the pics.

As for my health, cholesterol has been consistently perfect. I was under the impression it would be terrible, but I get bloods done every 6 months and biochem wise, I am "10 times healthier" than any meat eater, regardless of the extra weight I have. Blood pressure and cholesterol, along with all vitamin levels are perfect. Immune is great. Although I do have allergies.

You do have me there on the joints. It is something to watch out for, considering I do have previous injuries. Thanks for reminding me.

Really? That is a pretty retarded thing to say.

Why did you ask for advice or input if you aren't going to listen to it?

This is a one-way road to failure.