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How many cycles have you done?
Your body is currently not ready for AAS usage.
about 7 years ago I did 2 cycles- 1 of just sust, and one of deca and test e.
just curious to why you say im not ready?
hummm, every steroid in the book- not really, u know there are many more out there. Simply the most decent, with the safest rep (tren excluded). It is simple. A moderate Bulking phase, a larger bulking phase, followed by cutting phase. Hulk like?, I know that is not realistic, but decent gains as well as decreased BF I think would be more realistic. I know for a first cycle in many years it may seem long in duration, but I have very healthy organs. Its interesting you say a pro BB would say that considering my trainer, plus a friend who is a pro BB actually suggested it. With proper monitoring for gyno issues, as well as Post cycle therapy, it will be a safe cycle.
I think the major thing that some are struggling with because you feel the cycle is too intense, is that you don't know me personally. When I set my mind to something, nothing can stop me, and I get addicted very fast to things that are going well. Thus, once I see results, I will be hooked. I am also quite extreme in many aspects of things, so this serves as one of my strengths. Dont worry, I will make use of the cycle, and have the supports in place to make sure I am successful.
Thanks tho for the comments tho. Anything positive?![]()
I think the major thing that some are struggling with because you feel the cycle is too intense, is that you don't know me personally.
When I set my mind to something, nothing can stop me, and I get addicted very fast to things that are going well.
Thus, once I see results, I will be hooked. I am also quite extreme in many aspects of things, so this serves as one of my strengths. Dont worry, I will make use of the cycle, and have the supports in place to make sure I am successful.
I can tell you dont know much about vegetarians. Just because I dont eat meat, does not mean that I should be lean. Usually veggies eat a lot of carbs to compensate for such- that combined with processed foods creates a lot of energy that is not spent. Having a high protein diet naturally for vegetarians is difficult because usually the protien we have has carbs. That combined with the fact that i love cheese, created the body u see in the pics.
As for my health, cholesterol has been consistently perfect. I was under the impression it would be terrible, but I get bloods done every 6 months and biochem wise, I am "10 times healthier" than any meat eater, regardless of the extra weight I have. Blood pressure and cholesterol, along with all vitamin levels are perfect. Immune is great. Although I do have allergies.
You do have me there on the joints. It is something to watch out for, considering I do have previous injuries. Thanks for reminding me.