just a few pics... (11 weeks out)


New member
ok, so i finally managed to get a few pics. i'm 23, 5'10" and about 170lbs. i'm actually doing a college bodybuilding show in like 11 weeks. i know i'm ridiculously small for a show, but this is the first competition for almost everyone in the show, and i just wanna see how well i can do for my first time. i've never juiced (yet) lol, so please don't flame me for lack of size. just curious what you guys think. i'll try to get more pics of the rest soon. thanks.
Great frame to work with,,,you have great size for your stats,,,most guys are scared to particape in a show,thinking there to small,,but you have the right attitude,,,my only 2 thoughts ,,tan a bit and do something with that screch haid do
hahaha, yeah, i know i'll get the hair trimmed before the show... and thanks for the comments, i'll try to get some leg shots posted as soon as i get my hands on that camera again.
you have great building block, and your another one with the wild shoulder/back to hip ratio. In the future you'll do well if you stick with it! props!