Just another newbie PLEASE HELP


New member
im a first timer here been reading alot for bout a month and still learning and reading waiting on to starting my 1st cycle myself. and i need help and will follow what u have posted here. but do you know of any sources on where to get gear? sorry if this question is prohibited but i dont know how else i should put it.how or who to ask.i heard of naps but thats about it please help anyone. want to start up with test-e cycle anything else i should take with any good suggestions i read also taking it with dbol Winstrol (winny) and nolvadex? please help:bawling:
no aksing for gear. period. you're not gonna get an answer. no one knows you from adam. stick around and learn, posdt and get to kow people. you'll find a source.
I recently completed my first cycle of Test e 250 once a week and Bolderone 300x 2 twice a week.followed it for 16 weeks with decent results ,I will not call it great but noticeable..