Ok before you run a cycle how about build up your body some and learn a little more about nutrition. I am not trying to bust your balls,flame you or run you in the ground. If that is you in your avitar I can tell you that you need to work on your base before expanding on it. If you want to build muscle and pack on some pounds you need carbs. You need more protien and you need to get a good training routine where you are working your entire body once a week split into training sessions that are focused and thorough. Men getting on cycles of steroids training bodies that are not ready for it end up with crap results, wasted money, and often injuries which are worse of all. Using steroids and building mass is not easy. There is also a certain amount of sacrifice you gotta make all the way around in your life to do this. You do not just go inject drugs hit the gym sleep and tada big muscles. Sometimes your gonna be bloated. Sometimes you may hold a little fat, and sometimes you are gonna have to go home and get sleep while your boys are out tearing up the club. You need a few years of real training under your belt before you are ready to realize your potential and take it to the next level. For all you know you might not even really like going to the gym enough to get any kind of results. I trained for 14 years before ever touching a cycle. I had competed in powerlifting, karate, wrestling, soccer, baseball, and raced mountainbike before I took steroids. I am not a big dude either. Hell I was five feet five inches tall and weighed 174 when I started running gear. I am sure you are making gains on steroids, but looking at your numbers let me tell you man, I would not be taking steroids if I were you. Eating right, training right, and living with some discepline will get you plenty far. Do you even know what excercises build the most mass. What about the difference between branch chain amino acids and peptide bond amino acids? What about post cycle therapy what ancillary drugs do you plan on using? Dude your just not ready yet. That is not saying that you wont be. Who ever sold you that shit should have their ass kicked people like you are why this shit is illegal and considered a hazard to the public. Kids like you go out get some shit use it wrong and end up with health problems or doing crazy things. Kids like you use gear train wrong and workout with people who think they know something but do not then they end up getting hurt and are fucked for life. Go to bodybuilding.com and read some article on training get a good routine stick to it for 3 months then look in the mirror and be proud of what you built on your own. Before ever touching this stuff you need to be maxed all the way out to the limit of your natural ability and potential. Steroids and other performance enhancers give us the ability to go beyond our natural capacity, they are not nor ever were a replacement for hardwork and dedication. Bro please do not take this the wrong way. I have been a lot nicer than others would be and will be to you. Quit taking what ever it is you are on, go get some good suplements hire a trainer if you need too and you will get tons of results. One more thing have you ever considered the amount of damage that unnaturaly strong muscles do to tendons and ligaments when they are not ready. You see steroids will grow your muscle but they do not do shit for tendons and ligaments. It takes time to strengthen all of that. Time is the best supplement I can recommend to you right now. Do some research and pay attention to what you find. Obviously you have not or you would already know how long it takes to see results and you would also know you need carbs and that bloating is part of the game sometimes especially when running test e.