Just had gyno surgery..pre op and post op pics to come and cycle plan


New member
Hello everyone. Brand new to the site. Looking forward to being a long term member.

I finally decided to bite the bullet and get gyno surgery. Got it done at 8 am this morning. I've suffered from this since adolescent/early adulthood around age 16/17. It was puberty driven and never went away. I am now 25 years old. Im actually in decent shape except in these pics I gave up on the gym and started pigging out for a couple weeks because I'm going to attempt to be on a pretty strict diet. These are my pre op pics and hopefully in a couple weeks I will update with post op. Right now I'm all ace wrapped and compression vested up...and sore haha.

Here are my stats right now
25 years
170 lbs
10-12% approximate?

I plan on doing a 10-12 week test cyp cycle with arimidiex throughout cycle and clomid or nolva for 3-4 weeks 2 after last shot.

I'm on my iPhone right now and can't figure out how to load pics onto this thread. Anyone know how to do this?
One more question. I have my adex and will be getting the clomid or nolva soon. I'm having trouble finding HCG. Should I be alright without this or can I expect long term effects of shrunken boys?

first off make sure you get everything before you start the cycle....second i would make sure you at least get clomid as most on here agree its more important than nolva in bringing you back to normal.

as for the hcg, you should be ok without it for such a simple cycle, however everybody is different. My first cycle was the same as yours and mine atrophied quite a bit ( i did not use hcg). However about 2 weeks into my post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid 50mg/every day, they were back to full function and have been ever since. When you get into stronger cycles i would def reccomend it, but you should be ok...sorry no guarentees though lol!
Sounds good and thanks for the input. All I need is the clomid and I'm not cycling til mid may cuz of this surgery and that gives me time to get a more stabile diet involved. I'm prob just gonna rely on the clomid to bring me back to par and my cycle after that will prob be test prop and dbol, hopefully by then I'll find a reliable enough source to get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) involved
I don't see the pics. Also if you don't mind me asking, how much was the surgery? I'm thinking about getting this done if I get down to 10-12% and I still have fat in my chest area ( also got it through puberty and never went away, but i've also never been below 20% bf until recently)