Just made some goodies


New member
well, here is what i made, sorry, forgot to take pictures:

- 8,000mL of clenbuterol @ 125mcg/mL
- 20mL of test enanthate @ 250mg/mL
- 40mL of nandrolone decanoate @ 300mg/mL
- 40mL of test propionate @ 100mg/mL
- 50mL of tren acetate @ 100mg/mL
- 400mL of letro @ 2.5mg/mL
- 100mL of dbol @ 25mg/mL
- 80mL of stanazolol @ 50mg/mL

be envious... all were simple to make, i might type up the methods i used to make em, once i again, sorry for no pics
Clenbuterol HCl

1,000mg powder @ 125mcg/mL

1,000mg/125mcg/mL (.125mg) = 8,000mL total volume

Will be put in solution with in 7,999mL of distilled water

---no additional solvents needed---
Testosterone Enanthate

5,000mg @ 250mg/mL

5,000mg/250mg/mL = 20mL @ 250mg/mL

Will put in solution with 2% BA and 8% BB

.4mL BA (Universal Kits)|(GPZ) | (Lemelange)
1.6mL BB (Universal Kits)|(GPZ) | (Lemelange)
13mL Sterile Sesame Oil (Universal Kits)|(GPZ) | (Lemelange)
10cc Syringe (Universal Kits)|(GPZ)
1 Sterile 20mL Vial (Universal Kits)|(GPZ)
.45µm Syringe Filter (25mm diameter) (Universal Kits)|(GPZ)

20mL x 2% (.02) = .4mL BA
20mL x 8% (.08) = 1.6mL BB
20mL total volume minus BA + BB = 18 minus approximate powder displacement = 13mL
Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca)

12,000mg @ 300mg/mL

12,000mg/300mg/mL = 40mL @ 300mg/mL

Will be put in solution with 2% Benzyl Alcohol (BA) and 6% Benzyl Benzoate (BB)

1mL Benzyl Alcohol (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
2.4mL Benzyl Benzoate (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
24.6mL Sterile Sesame Oil (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
1 Whatman .45µm Syringe Filter (25mm diameter) (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
2 – 20mL Sterile Vials (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)
1 – 10cc Syringe (GPZ))

40mL x 2.5% (.025) = 1mL Benzyl Alcohol
40mL x 6% (.06) = 2.4mL Benzyl Benzoate
40mL total volume minus BA + BB = 36.6 minus approximate 12g powder displacement = 24.6
24.6mL Sesame Oil
Testosterone Propionate

4,000mg @ 100mg/mL

4,000mg/100mg/mL = 40mL @ 100mg/mL

Will put in a solution of 2% BA and 20% BB

.8mL BA (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
8mL BB (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
1 Whatman .45µm Syringe Filter (25mm diameter) (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
2 – 20mL sterile vials (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
1 – 10cc Syringe (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
27.2mL Sterile Sesame Oil (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)

40mL x 2% (.02) = .8mL BA
40mL x 20% (.2) = 8mL BB
40mL Total volume minus BA + BB = 31.2 minus approximate 4g powder displacement = 27.2mL
Trenbolone Acetate

5,000mg @ 100mg/mL

5,000mg/100mg/mL = 50mL @ 100mg/mL

Will put in solution with 5% BA and 10% BB

2.5mL BA (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
5mL BB (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
37.5mL Sterile Sesame Oil (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
10cc Syringe (GPZ)
Whatman .45µm Syringe Filter (25mm diameter) (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)
1 Sterile 50mL vial (Universal Kits)|(Lemelange)|(Liqua-Solutions)

50mL x 5% (.05) = 2.5mL BA
50mL x 10% (.1) = 5mL BB
50mL total volume minus BA + BB = 42.5 minus powder displacement = 37.5
Stanozolol (Winstrol)

4,000mg @ 50mg/mL

4,000mg/50mg/mL = 80mL @ 50mg/mL

Will be suspended in 76mL of distilled water (must be shaken well before every use)

3 – 1oz Boston Rounds (e-Bottles)
alright, those are the measurements i used, certainly not the only ones available, but with these you will be ok, hope it helped someone cause my hand hurts now :(
just for shits and giggles i guess, i realize that neither enanthate nor deca need it but i have so much lying around, better safe than sorry, plus yeah, it does help with thinning
Ok i was just wondering. I just made some 400 mg/ml enan and it is thick as hell. I need to dilute it because it crippled me, i was thinking about adding some BB when diluting it to thin it up a bit.
Id add BB as opposed to adding oil to dilute. 400 really puts a hurtin on you? I have 350 that youd never know was shot, save for the huge lumps it leaves. No pain though.
Put a hurtin is an understatement. I was literally limping like a cripple for 4 days, there is no way i can go through that again. I will add like 10-12 ml's of BB dilute it down to 350 ish and try one cc and see how it feels. 250 gives me no pain.