KaliMuscle ... top ramen every day?


New member

Im sure you guys seen this guy before, KaliMuscle, slowly taking over youtube fitness channels. He's from the penn.
Apparently, This guy eats 1 or 2 packs of TopRamen every day as a carb source with tuna and such... And this guy got jacked as shit in jail, with shitty foods and all, bet money he wasnt on no 40/40/20 diet.
Drinks pepsi and instant coffee as pre workout.

But topRamen though... really? Anyone think its BS or maybe theres more to be known about kind of foods we eat?

The guy also said he dsnt use protein powders.because it's unhealthy and there's chemicals in them. And that that's why he has such good vascularity. Hmmm chemicals...I wonder what they put in certain peptides and gear? Hmmm maybe chemicals...? Who knows?
Damn. We've been doing it all wrong here. Just need to eat biscuits, ramen, and use resistance bands with another bro to get SWOLE. Yeah... my bullshit meter is pegged in the red-zone. :p
Damn. We've been doing it all wrong here. Just need to eat biscuits, ramen, and use resistance bands with another bro to get SWOLE. Yeah... my bullshit meter is pegged in the red-zone. :p

Looking at this guy... you never know lol He's a cool dude, but his diet is somewhat way off, which is making youtubers and people believe that gear is magical and that you dont need a proper diet like this guy...
i dont care if this guys natty or not, what he does is his choice but i like the message this guy tries to send to people
Looking at this guy... you never know lol He's a cool dude, but his diet is somewhat way off, which is making youtubers and people believe that gear is magical and that you dont need a proper diet like this guy...

Worst part is he says he did this all natural eating like that. I used to eat ramen and biscuits all day while hitting the gym, and it increased my muscle alright... my table muscle! I agree, he's sending the wrong message here. Hard work is only part of the recipe for success, I bet 3J would have a field day with this! ;)