kane red machine is the shit!

KANE is very helpfull. How is your shoulder bro?

hi! thanx for taking news about me. my shoulder is ok by now. but it's making a little noise, when i hold my arm, but ther's no pain anymore. rHGH in the futur cycle will make the trick with boldenone to heal all the tendon of my body... as far as i take care about stretching before working out lol
Kane red machine

new to this website. Ive been reading your information, much impressed, i have questions if you have time comrade.
I dont know you but I have read your posts . You are like a friggin Pentium 5 computer.
You have helped many on this board.
Kane is a genuinely nice person, always willing to help others, very knowledgeable and yet very humble.
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Thanx guyz! i miss the words to say properly thank you!