kcal intake while on danabol cycle?


New member
I want to gain clean muscles.. without any bodyfat.. wo I wonder what would be the best kcla intake while being on a danabol cycle? what would be the safe range of the kcal surplus in order to avoid any unclean gains?
Im thinking to add +15% (in my case it equals to 600kcal) on a first week.. then 20% on a second week and so on up to 30%. is it a good idea? on the final week it would be +30% , in my case it equals to +1300kcal.
500 over TDEE is considered safe. I'm hoping you have a test base to go with the dianabol, and have an AI/PCT.

If you're not sure what those are, you need to start reading A LOT, before you continue. Start with the stickies - that should get you started down the right path.

My .02c :)
500kcal over is just for the first week.. after that it increases every week little by little until it reaches the final surplus.. which is +1300kcal..

is it good enough? 1300kcal surplus? or should I go higher for the better gains? I wonder what would be the best and the highest surplus recommended?
Depends on a number of things...

Your metabolism, your training intensity, cardio inclusion etc etc....

From experience... choose a start figure and see where that gets you... take measurements weekly, watch the scales and tweak as you go along....

You never answered Halfwit though... surely you aren't stupid enough to be running a D'bol only cycle?

Because your calorific intake will be the least of your worries if you are!