

New member
Not gonna lie I'm gettin sick about hearing young kids doing stupid shit. I just heard on the news some kids threw a fking shoppin cart froma mall and it fell 4 stores high and hit to guys workin. Man WTF is goin on where are there parents? People need to be on top if there kids man!
Not gonna lie I'm gettin sick about hearing young kids doing stupid shit. I just heard on the news some kids threw a fking shoppin cart froma mall and it fell 4 stores high and hit to guys workin. Man WTF is goin on where are there parents? People need to be on top if there kids man!

I've witnessed some crazy scenarios in supermarkets, malls, restaurants etc..
Some parents looked very embarrased & didn't encourage the kids behavior, & some just looked like if they didn't see what was going on... I mean your kid is kicking the nicely stacked pile of cereal boxes & what are u doing ? Well your texting away, cause it's more important..

I have lot of tolerance for children being children (babies crying, toddlers' screaming and unavoidable messes, etc)
But what really gets to me is misbehavior that goes unchecked by the parents.

I think all parents of young kids can relate to having someone stare at u when your toddler is going through "terrible two's" & decides to throw a tamper tantrum right at the check out lane (and there's liek 10 people in

I have gone through ths & have delt with the situation the best way I can..
So, what do u do ? Well, buy the kid some candy" always works !

J/K, u have to educate & teach your kids since very young, kids will test you all the time, if u allow certaing behaviors without consequences, well, it will just get worst as they grow..

Definitely a problem in our society now days, parents are busy doing what ever & some parents honestly choose not to get involved & just let their kids act like wild animals.