Kim's super sorbet - Recipe


New member
Kim's super sorbet
( I am norwegian, not a North Korean leader :p )

You need (1 big portion)

1 cup frosen mango
1 cup frosen pineaple
2 ripe bananas (preferably a little brown)

This is how you do it:
Cut mango, pineaple and bananas into small pieces and freeze it down the night before.
Put it all in a blender and crank it until you have a smooth paste.

Garnish with fresh blueberries and strawberrys.

It doesn't get much easier than that, and you can basicly eat as much as you want and it will not only not be bad for you, it will be good for you!

Feel free to experiment with kiwi and so on.

More recipes to come.
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Added picture and another goodie: