KingCranes cycle log


Cardio is the Key
Today started the 5th week of test E 300mg per week, I feel good, nothing great yet but I feel healthy and happy. Today I added 200mg of Geneza Boldenone, drew the test and bold in the same pin and shot it, it was very smooth, no pain at all. I will post some pics latter. stats- 6feet tall, 197-200lbs, just got done with a 11 month cut from 230 to 178. looking forward to seeing and feeling the gains to come. Im doing lots of cardio to keep lean as my goal is to keep the cardio insane, and put on 8 to 10 lbs of lean toned mass.
Good for you Crane !
Good luck with your goals !:dance2:
(BTW I moved the thread to the Online journal forum 4 u)
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Looks like this is going to be a great log KingCrane, ill be fallowing I like to see how this turns out for you,.
Thanks man, I am training hard man, light weight, reps to failure, latly its getting very hard to rep to failure, But Ill just add a little more weight to the sets.
Thanks man, I am training hard man, light weight, reps to failure, latly its getting very hard to rep to failure, But Ill just add a little more weight to the sets.

High reps yes but go heavy to moderate use a weight that feel heavy but comfortable for the high reps,
Felt great today in the gym, test is starting to kick in. I ran very intense today for 40 min, then hit the weight room for an hour and a half. the pumps are getting really good here in the 5th week of 300mg test E, AND the GP bold 200 is smooth.